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Lemma 93.10.3. In Example 93.9.1 let f : X \to Y be a morphism of schemes over k. There is a canonical exact sequence of k-vector spaces

\xymatrix{ 0 \ar[r] & \text{Inf}(\mathcal{D}\! \mathit{ef}_{X \to Y}) \ar[r] & \text{Inf}(\mathcal{D}\! \mathit{ef}_ X \times \mathcal{D}\! \mathit{ef}_ Y) \ar[r] & \text{Der}_ k(\mathcal{O}_ Y, f_*\mathcal{O}_ X) \ar[lld] \\ & T\mathcal{D}\! \mathit{ef}_{X \to Y} \ar[r] & T(\mathcal{D}\! \mathit{ef}_ X \times \mathcal{D}\! \mathit{ef}_ Y) \ar[r] & \text{Ext}^1_{\mathcal{O}_ X}(Lf^*\mathop{N\! L}\nolimits _{Y/k}, \mathcal{O}_ X) }

Proof. The obvious map of deformation categories \mathcal{D}\! \mathit{ef}_{X \to Y} \to \mathcal{D}\! \mathit{ef}_ X \times \mathcal{D}\! \mathit{ef}_ Y gives two of the arrows in the exact sequence of the lemma. Recall that \text{Inf}(\mathcal{D}\! \mathit{ef}_{X \to Y}) is the set of automorphisms of the trivial deformation

f' : X' = X \times _{\mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(k)} \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(k[\epsilon ]) \xrightarrow {f \times \text{id}} Y' = Y \times _{\mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(k)} \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(k[\epsilon ])

of X \to Y to k[\epsilon ] equal to the identity modulo \epsilon . This is clearly the same thing as pairs (\alpha , \beta ) \in \text{Inf}(\mathcal{D}\! \mathit{ef}_ X \times \mathcal{D}\! \mathit{ef}_ Y) of infinitesimal automorphisms of X and Y compatible with f', i.e., such that f' \circ \alpha = \beta \circ f'. By Deformation Theory, Lemma 91.7.1 for an arbitrary pair (\alpha , \beta ) the difference between the morphism f' : X' \to Y' and the morphism \beta ^{-1} \circ f' \circ \alpha : X' \to Y' defines an element in

\text{Der}_ k(\mathcal{O}_ Y, f_*\mathcal{O}_ X) = \mathop{\mathrm{Hom}}\nolimits _{\mathcal{O}_ Y}(\Omega _{Y/k}, f_*\mathcal{O}_ X)

Equality by More on Morphisms, Lemma 37.13.3. This defines the last top horizontal arrow and shows exactness in the first two places. For the map

\text{Der}_ k(\mathcal{O}_ Y, f_*\mathcal{O}_ X) \to T\mathcal{D}\! \mathit{ef}_{X \to Y}

we interpret elements of the source as morphisms f_\epsilon : X' \to Y' over \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(k[\epsilon ]) equal to f modulo \epsilon using Deformation Theory, Lemma 91.7.1. We send f_\epsilon to the isomorphism class of (f_\epsilon : X' \to Y') in T\mathcal{D}\! \mathit{ef}_{X \to Y}. Note that (f_\epsilon : X' \to Y') is isomorphic to the trivial deformation (f' : X' \to Y') exactly when f_\epsilon = \beta ^{-1} \circ f \circ \alpha for some pair (\alpha , \beta ) which implies exactness in the third spot. Clearly, if some first order deformation (f_\epsilon : X_\epsilon \to Y_\epsilon ) maps to zero in T(\mathcal{D}\! \mathit{ef}_ X \times \mathcal{D}\! \mathit{ef}_ Y), then we can choose isomorphisms X' \to X_\epsilon and Y' \to Y_\epsilon and we conclude we are in the image of the south-west arrow. Therefore we have exactness at the fourth spot. Finally, given two first order deformations X_\epsilon , Y_\epsilon of X, Y there is an obstruction in

ob(X_\epsilon , Y_\epsilon ) \in \text{Ext}^1_{\mathcal{O}_ X}(Lf^*\mathop{N\! L}\nolimits _{Y/k}, \mathcal{O}_ X)

which vanishes if and only if f : X \to Y lifts to X_\epsilon \to Y_\epsilon , see Deformation Theory, Lemma 91.7.1. This finishes the proof. \square

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