Remark 52.16.12. In Lemma 52.16.11 if A is universally catenary with Cohen-Macaulay formal fibres (for example if A has a dualizing complex), then the condition that H^1_\mathfrak a(A/fA) and H^2_\mathfrak a(A/fA) are finite A-modules, is equivalent with
for all \mathfrak p \in V(f) \setminus V(\mathfrak a) and \mathfrak q \in V(\mathfrak p) \cap V(\mathfrak a) by Local Cohomology, Theorem 51.11.6.
For example, if A/fA is (S_2) and if every irreducible component of Z = V(\mathfrak a) has codimension \geq 3 in Y = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A/fA), then we get the finiteness of H^1_\mathfrak a(A/fA) and H^2_\mathfrak a(A/fA). This should be contrasted with the slightly weaker conditions found in Lemma 52.20.1 (see also Remark 52.20.2).
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