Proposition 52.28.1. In the situation above assume there exists an integer \sigma such that for all points p \in P \setminus Q we have
Then the map
is an isomorphism for 0 \leq i < \sigma .
Proposition 52.28.1. In the situation above assume there exists an integer \sigma such that for all points p \in P \setminus Q we have
Then the map
is an isomorphism for 0 \leq i < \sigma .
Proof. We will use More on Morphisms, Lemma 37.51.1 and we will use the notation used and results found More on Morphisms, Section 37.51 without further mention; this proof will not make sense without at least understanding the statement of the lemma. Observe that in our case A = \bigoplus _{m \geq 0} \Gamma (P, \mathcal{L}^{\otimes m}) is a finite type k-algebra all of whose graded parts are finite dimensional k-vector spaces, see Cohomology of Schemes, Lemma 30.16.1.
We may and do think of s as an element f \in A_1 \subset A, i.e., a homogeneous element of degree 1 of A. Denote Y = V(f) \subset X the closed subscheme defined by f. Then U \cap Y = (\pi |_ U)^{-1}(Q) scheme theoretically. Recall the notation \mathcal{F}_ U = \pi ^*\mathcal{F}|_ U = (\pi |_ U)^*\mathcal{F}. This is a coherent \mathcal{O}_ U-module. Choose a finite A-module M such that \mathcal{F}_ U = \widetilde{M}|_ U (for existence see Local Cohomology, Lemma 51.8.2). We claim that H^ i_ Z(M) is annihilated by a power of f for i \leq \sigma + 1.
To prove the claim we will apply Local Cohomology, Proposition 51.10.1. Translating into geometry we see that it suffices to prove for u \in U, u \not\in Y and z \in \overline{\{ u\} } \cap Z that
This requires only a small amount of thought.
Observe that Z = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A_0) is a finite set of closed points of X because A_0 is a finite dimensional k-algebra. (The reader who would like Z to be a singleton can replace the finite k-algebra A_0 by k; it won't affect anything else in the proof.)
The morphism \pi : L \to P and its restriction \pi |_ U : U \to P are smooth of relative dimension 1. Let u \in U, u \not\in Y and z \in \overline{\{ u\} } \cap Z. Let p = \pi (u) \in P \setminus Q be its image. Then either u is a generic point of the fibre of \pi over p or a closed point of the fibre. If u is a generic point of the fibre, then \text{depth}(\mathcal{F}_{U, u}) = \text{depth}(\mathcal{F}_ p) and \dim (\overline{\{ u\} }) = \dim (\overline{\{ p\} }) + 1. If u is a closed point of the fibre, then \text{depth}(\mathcal{F}_{U, u}) = \text{depth}(\mathcal{F}_ p) + 1 and \dim (\overline{\{ u\} }) = \dim (\overline{\{ p\} }). In both cases we have \dim (\overline{\{ u\} }) = \dim (\mathcal{O}_{\overline{\{ u\} }, z}) because every point of Z is closed. Thus the desired inequality follows from the assumption in the statement of the lemma.
Let A' be the f-adic completion of A. So A \to A' is flat by Algebra, Lemma 10.97.2. Denote U' \subset X' = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A') the inverse image of U and similarly for Y' and Z'. Let \mathcal{F}' on U' be the pullback of \mathcal{F}_ U and let M' = M \otimes _ A A'. By flat base change for local cohomology (Local Cohomology, Lemma 51.5.7) we have
and we find that for i \leq \sigma + 1 these are annihilated by a power of f. Consider the diagram
The lower horizontal arrow is an isomorphism for i < \sigma by Lemma 52.13.2 and the torsion property we just proved. The horizontal equal sign is flat base change (Cohomology of Schemes, Lemma 30.5.2) and the vertical equal sign is because U \cap Y and U' \cap Y' as well as their nth infinitesimal neighbourhoods are mapped isomorphically onto each other (as we are completing with respect to f).
Applying More on Morphisms, Equation ( we have compatible direct sum decompositions
Thus we conclude by Algebra, Lemma 10.98.4. \square
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