Lemma 37.75.1. Given a cartesian square
with \pi locally quasi-finite with finite fibres and a function w : U \to \mathbf{Z} we have (\int _\pi w) \circ g = \int _{\pi '} (w \circ h).
Lemma 37.75.1. Given a cartesian square
with \pi locally quasi-finite with finite fibres and a function w : U \to \mathbf{Z} we have (\int _\pi w) \circ g = \int _{\pi '} (w \circ h).
Proof. This follows immediately from the second description of \int _\pi w given above. To prove it from the definition, you use that if E/F is a finite extension of fields and F'/F is another field extension, then writing (E \otimes _ F F')_{red} = \prod E'_ i as a product of fields finite over F', we have
To prove this equality pick an algebraically closed field extension \Omega /F' and observe that
where we have used Fields, Lemma 9.14.8. \square
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