Lemma 37.76.9. Let Y = \mathop{\mathrm{lim}}\nolimits Y_ i be a directed limit of affine schemes. Let 0 \in I and let f_0 : X_0 \to Y_0 be a morphism of affine schemes which is quasi-finite and of finite presentation. Let f : X \to Y and f_ i : X_ i \to Y_ i for i \geq 0 be the base changes of f_0. If w : X \to \mathbf{Z} is a weighting of f, then for sufficiently large i there exists a weighting w_ i : X_ i \to \mathbf{Z} of f_ i whose pullback to X is w.
Proof. By Lemma 37.76.1 the level sets of w are constructible subsets E_ k of X. This implies the function w only takes a finite number of values by Properties, Lemma 28.2.7. Thus there exists an i such that E_ k descends to a construcible subset E_{i, k} in X_ i for all k; moreover, we may assume X_ i = \coprod E_{i, k}. This follows as the topological space of X is the limit in the category of topological spaces of the spectral spaces X_ i along a directed system with spectral transition maps. See Limits, Section 32.4 and Topology, Section 5.24. We define w_ i : X_ i \to \mathbf{Z} such that its level sets are the constructible sets E_{i, k}.
Choose Y_{i, univ} \to Y_ i and U_{i, univ} \subset Y_{i, univ} \times _{Y_ i} X_ i as in Lemma 37.76.8. By the universal property of the construction, in order to show that w_ i is a weighting, it would suffice to show that
is locally constant on Y_{i, univ}. By Lemma 37.76.2 this function has constructible level sets but it may not (yet) be locally constant. Set Y_{univ} = Y_{i, univ} \times _{Y_ i} Y and let U_{univ} \subset Y_{univ} \times _ Y X be the inverse image of U_{i, univ}. Then, since the pullback of w to Y_{univ} \times _ Y X is a weighting for Y_{univ} \times _ Y X \to Y_{univ} (Lemma 37.75.3) we do have that
is locally constant on Y_{univ}. Thus the level sets of \tau are open and closed. Finally, we have Y_{univ} = \mathop{\mathrm{lim}}\nolimits _{i' \geq i} Y_{i', univ} and the level sets of \tau are the inverse limits of the level sets of \tau _{i'} (similarly defined). Hence the references above imply that for sufficiently large i' the level sets of \tau _{i'} are open as well. For such an index i' we conclude that w_{i'} is a weighting of f_{i'} as desired. \square
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