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Lemma 15.96.5. Let A be a ring and let f \in A be a nonzerodivisor. Let M^\bullet be a bounded complex of finite free A-modules. Assume I_ i(M^\bullet , f) is a principal ideal. Then (\eta _ fM)^ i is locally free of rank r_ i and the map (1, d^ i) : (\eta _ fM)^ i \to f^ iM^ i \oplus f^{i + 1}M^{i + 1} is the inclusion of a direct summand.

Proof. Choose a generator g for I_ i(M^\bullet , f). Since f^{r_ i} \in I_ i(M^\bullet , f) we see that g divides a power of f. In particular g is a nonzerodivisor in A. The r_ i \times r_ i-minors of the map (f, d^ i) : M^ i \to M^ i \oplus M^{i + 1} generate the ideal I_ i(M^\bullet , f) and the (r_ i + 1) \times (r_ i + 1)-minors of (f, d^ i) are zero: we may check this after localizing at f where the rank of the map is equal to r_ i. Consider the surjection

M^ i \oplus M^{i + 1} \longrightarrow Q = \mathop{\mathrm{Coker}}(f, d^ i)/g\text{-torsion}

By Lemma 15.8.10 the module Q is finite locally free of rank r_{i + 1}. Hence Q is f-torsion free and we conclude the cokernel of (f, d^ i) modulo f-power torsion is Q as well.

Consider the complex of finite free A-modules

0 \to f^{i + 1}M^ i \xrightarrow {1, d^ i} f^ iM^ i \oplus f^{i + 1}M^{i + 1} \xrightarrow {d^ i, -1} f^ iM^{i + 1} \to 0

which becomes split exact after localizing at f. The map (1, d^ i) : f^{i + 1}M^ i \to f^ iM^ i \oplus f^{i + 1}M^{i + 1} is isomorphic to the map (f, d^ i) : M^ i \to M^ i \oplus M^{i + 1} we studied above. Hence the image

Q' = \mathop{\mathrm{Im}}(f^ iM^ i \oplus f^{i + 1}M^{i + 1} \xrightarrow {d^ i, -1} f^ iM^{i + 1})

is isomorphic to Q in particular projective. On the other hand, by construction of \eta _ f in Section 15.95 the image of the injective map (1, d^ i) : (\eta _ fM)^ i \to f^ iM^ i \oplus f^{i + 1}M^{i + 1} is the kernel of (d^ i, -1). We conclude that we obtain an isomorphism (\eta _ fM)^ i \oplus Q' = f^ iM^ i \oplus f^{i + 1}M^{i + 1} and we see that indeed \eta _ fM^ i is finite locally free of rank r_ i and that (1, d^ i) is the inclusion of a direct summand. \square

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