Lemma 42.12.3. Let (S, \delta ) be as in Situation 42.7.1. Let X be locally of finite type over S. Let X_1, X_2 \subset X be closed subschemes such that X = X_1 \cup X_2 set theoretically. For every k \in \mathbf{Z} the sequence of abelian groups
\xymatrix{ Z_ k(X_1 \cap X_2) \ar[r] & Z_ k(X_1) \oplus Z_ k(X_2) \ar[r] & Z_ k(X) \ar[r] & 0 }
is exact. Here X_1 \cap X_2 is the scheme theoretic intersection and the maps are the pushforward maps with one multiplied by -1.
First assume X is quasi-compact. Then Z_ k(X) is a free \mathbf{Z}-module with basis given by the elements [Z] where Z \subset X is integral closed of \delta -dimension k. The groups Z_ k(X_1), Z_ k(X_2), Z_ k(X_1 \cap X_2) are free on the subset of these Z such that Z \subset X_1, Z \subset X_2, Z \subset X_1 \cap X_2. This immediately proves the lemma in this case. The general case is similar and the proof is omitted.
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