Lemma 45.4.1. The category M_ k whose objects are motives over k and morphisms are morphisms of motives over k is a \mathbf{Q}-linear category. There is a contravariant functor
defined by h(X) = (X, 1, 0) and h(f) = [\Gamma _ f].
We fix a base field k. In this section we construct an additive Karoubian \mathbf{Q}-linear category M_ k endowed with a symmetric monoidal structure and a contravariant functor
which maps products to tensor products and disjoint unions to direct sums. Our construction will be characterized by the fact that h factors through the symmetric monoidal category whose objects are smooth projective varieties and whose morphisms are correspondences of degree 0 such that the image of the projector c_2 on h(\mathbf{P}^1_ k) from Example 45.3.7 is invertible in M_ k, see Lemma 45.4.8. At the end of the section we will show that every motive, i.e., every object of M_ k to has a (left) dual, see Lemma 45.4.10.
A motive or a Chow motive over k will be a triple (X, p, m) where
X is a smooth projective scheme over k,
p \in \text{Corr}^0(X, X) satisfies p \circ p = p,
m \in \mathbf{Z}.
Given a second motive (Y, q, n) we define a morphism of motives or a morphism of Chow motives to be an element of
Composition of morphisms of motives is defined using the composition of correspondences defined above.
Lemma 45.4.1. The category M_ k whose objects are motives over k and morphisms are morphisms of motives over k is a \mathbf{Q}-linear category. There is a contravariant functor
defined by h(X) = (X, 1, 0) and h(f) = [\Gamma _ f].
Proof. Follows immediately from Lemma 45.3.4. \square
Lemma 45.4.2. The category M_ k is Karoubian.
Proof. Let M = (X, p, m) be a motive and let a \in \mathop{\mathrm{Mor}}\nolimits (M, M) be a projector. Then a = a \circ a both in \mathop{\mathrm{Mor}}\nolimits (M, M) as well as in \text{Corr}^0(X, X). Set N = (X, a, m). Since we have a = p \circ a \circ a in \text{Corr}^0(X, X) we see that a : N \to M is a morphism of M_ k. Next, suppose that b : (Y, q, n) \to M is a morphism such that (1 - a) \circ b = 0. Then b = a \circ b as well as b = b \circ q. Hence b is a morphism b : (Y, q, n) \to N. Thus we see that the projector 1 - a has a kernel, namely N and we find that M_ k is Karoubian, see Homology, Definition 12.4.1. \square
We define a functor
On objects we use the formula
On morphisms, we use
given by the rule (a, a') \longmapsto a \otimes a' where \otimes on correspondences is as in Section 45.3. This makes sense: by definition of morphisms of motives we can write a = q \circ c \circ p and a' = q' \circ c' \circ p' with c \in \text{Corr}^{n - m}(X, Y) and c' \in \text{Corr}^{n' - m'}(X', Y') and then we obtain
which is indeed a morphism of motives from (X \times X', p \otimes p', m + m') to (Y \times Y', q \otimes q', n + n').
Lemma 45.4.3. The category M_ k with tensor product defined as above is symmetric monoidal with the obvious associativity and commutativity constraints and with unit \mathbf{1} = (\mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(k), 1, 0).
Proof. Follows readily from Lemma 45.3.8. Details omitted. \square
The motives \mathbf{1}(n) = (\mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(k), 1, n) are useful. Observe that
Thus tensoring with \mathbf{1}(1) is an autoequivalence of the category of motives. Given a motive M we sometimes write M(n) = M \otimes \mathbf{1}(n). Observe that if M = (X, p, m), then M(n) = (X, p, m + n).
Lemma 45.4.4. With notation as in Example 45.3.7
the motive (X, c_0, 0) is isomorphic to the motive \mathbf{1} = (\mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(k), 1, 0).
the motive (X, c_2, 0) is isomorphic to the motive \mathbf{1}(-1) = (\mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(k), 1, -1).
Proof. We will use Lemma 45.3.4 without further mention. The structure morphism X \to \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(k) gives a correspondence a \in \text{Corr}^0(\mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(k), X). On the other hand, the rational point x is a morphism \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(k) \to X which gives a correspondence b \in \text{Corr}^0(X, \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(k)). We have b \circ a = 1 as a correspondence on \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(k). The composition a \circ b corresponds to the graph of the composition X \to x \to X which is c_0 = [x \times X]. Thus a = a \circ b \circ a = c_0 \circ a and b = a \circ b \circ a = b \circ c_0. Hence, unwinding the definitions, we see that a and b are mutually inverse morphisms a : (\mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(k), 1, 0) \to (X, c_0, 0) and b : (X, c_0, 0) \to (\mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(k), 1, 0).
We will proceed exactly as above to prove the second statement. Denote
the class of the point x. Denote
the class of [X]. We have b' \circ a' = 1 as a correspondence on \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(k) because [x] \cdot [X] = [x] on X = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(k) \times X \times \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(k). Computing the intersection product \text{pr}_{12}^*b' \cdot \text{pr}_{23}^*a' on X \times \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(k) \times X gives the cycle X \times \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(k) \times x. Hence the composition a' \circ b' is equal to c_2 as a correspondence on X. Thus a' = a' \circ b \circ a' = c_2 \circ a' and b' = b' \circ a' \circ b' = b' \circ c_2. Recall that
Hence, we see that a' and b' are mutually inverse morphisms a' : (\mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(k), 1, -1) \to (X, c_0, 0) and b' : (X, c_0, 0) \to (\mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(k), 1, -1). \square
Remark 45.4.5 (Lefschetz and Tate motive). Let X = \mathbf{P}^1_ k and c_2 be as in Example 45.3.7. In the literature the motive (X, c_2, 0) is sometimes called the Lefschetz motive and depending on the reference the notation L, \mathbf{L}, \mathbf{Q}(-1), or h^2(\mathbf{P}^1_ k) may be used to denote it. By Lemma 45.4.4 the Lefschetz motive is isomorphic to \mathbf{1}(-1). Hence the Lefschetz motive is invertible (Categories, Definition 4.43.4) with inverse \mathbf{1}(1). The motive \mathbf{1}(1) is sometimes called the Tate motive and depending on the reference the notation L^{-1}, \mathbf{L}^{-1}, \mathbf{T}, or \mathbf{Q}(1) may be used to denote it.
Lemma 45.4.6. The category M_ k is additive.
Proof. Let (Y, p, m) and (Z, q, n) be motives. If n = m, then a direct sum is given by (Y \amalg Z, p + q, m), with obvious notation. Details omitted.
Suppose that n < m. Let X, c_2 be as in Example 45.3.7. Then we consider
where we have used Lemma 45.4.4. This reduces us to the case discussed in the first paragraph. \square
Lemma 45.4.7. In M_ k we have h(\mathbf{P}^1_ k) \cong \mathbf{1} \oplus \mathbf{1}(-1).
Proof. This follows from Example 45.3.7 and Lemma 45.4.4. \square
Lemma 45.4.8. Let X, c_2 be as in Example 45.3.7. Let \mathcal{C} be a \mathbf{Q}-linear Karoubian symmetric monoidal category. Any \mathbf{Q}-linear functor
of symmetric monoidal categories such that the image of F(c_2) on F(X) is an invertible object, factors uniquely through a functor F : M_ k \to \mathcal{C} of symmetric monoidal categories.
Proof. Denote U in \mathcal{C} the invertible object which is assumed to exist in the statement of the lemma. We extend F to motives by setting
which makes sense because U is invertible and because \mathcal{C} is Karoubian. An important feature of this choice is that F(X, c_2, 0) = U. Observe that
Thus we see that our rule is compatible with tensor products on the level of objects (details omitted).
Next, we extend F to morphisms of motives. Suppose that
is a morphism. If n = m, then a is a correspondence of degree 0 and we can use F(a) : F(Y) \to F(Z) to get the desired map F(Y, p, m) \to F(Z, q, n). If n < m we get canonical identifications
Namely, for the first isomorphism we use the definition of F on motives above. For the second, we use the choice of U. For the third we use the compatibility of F on tensor products of motives. The fourth is the definition of tensor products on motives. On the other hand, since we similarly have an isomorphism
(see proof of Lemma 45.4.6). Composing a with this isomorphism gives
Putting everything together we obtain
If n > m we similarly define isomorphisms
and we set F(a) = F(a \circ \tau ^{-1}) \circ t. We omit the verification that this construction defines a functor of symmetric monoidal categories. \square
Lemma 45.4.9. Let X be a smooth projective scheme over k which is equidimensional of dimension d. Then h(X)(d) is a left dual to h(X) in M_ k.
Proof. We will use Lemma 45.3.1 without further mention. We compute
Here we have \eta = [\Delta ]. On the other hand, we have
and here we have the class \epsilon = [\Delta ] of the diagonal as well. The composition of the correspondence [\Delta ] \otimes 1 with 1 \otimes [\Delta ] either way is the correspondence [\Delta ] = 1 in \text{Corr}^0(X, X) which proves the required diagrams of Categories, Definition 4.43.5 commute. Namely, observe that
is given by the class of the cycle \text{pr}^{1234, -1}_{23}(\Delta ) \cap \text{pr}^{1234, -1}_{14}(\Delta ) with obvious notation. Similarly, the class
is given by the class of the cycle \text{pr}^{1234, -1}_{23}(\Delta ) \cap \text{pr}^{1234, -1}_{14}(\Delta ). The composition (1 \otimes [\Delta ]) \circ ([\Delta ] \otimes 1) is by definition the pushforward \text{pr}^{12345}_{15, *} of the intersection product
which is equal to \Delta as desired. We omit the proof of the formula for the composition in the other order. \square
Lemma 45.4.10. Every object of M_ k has a left dual.
Proof. Let M = (X, p, m) be an object of M_ k. Then M is a summand of (X, 0, m) = h(X)(m). By Homology, Lemma 12.17.3 it suffices to show that h(X)(m) = h(X) \otimes \mathbf{1}(m) has a dual. By construction \mathbf{1}(-m) is a left dual of \mathbf{1}(m). Hence it suffices to show that h(X) has a left dual, see Categories, Lemma 4.43.8. Let X = \coprod X_ i be the decomposition of X into irreducible components. Then h(X) = \bigoplus h(X_ i) and it suffices to show that h(X_ i) has a left dual, see Homology, Lemma 12.17.2. This follows from Lemma 45.4.9. \square
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