Lemma 50.15.7. Let X \to T \to S be morphisms of schemes. Let Y \subset X be an effective Cartier divisor. If both X \to T and Y \to T are smooth, then the de Rham complex of log poles is defined for Y \subset X over S.
Proof. Let y \in Y be a point. By More on Morphisms, Lemma 37.17.1 there exists an integer 0 \geq m and a commutative diagram
where U \subset X is open, V = Y \cap U, \pi is étale, V = \pi ^{-1}(\mathbf{A}^ m_ T), and y \in V. Denote z \in \mathbf{A}^ m_ T the image of y. Then we have
by Lemma 50.2.2. Denote x_1, \ldots , x_{m + 1} the coordinate functions on \mathbf{A}^{m + 1}_ T. Since the conditions (1) and (2) in Definition 50.15.1 do not depend on the choice of the local coordinate, it suffices to check the conditions (1) and (2) when f is the image of x_{m + 1} by the flat local ring homomorphism \mathcal{O}_{\mathbf{A}^{m + 1}_ T, z} \to \mathcal{O}_{X, x}. In this way we see that it suffices to check conditions (1) and (2) for \mathbf{A}^ m_ T \subset \mathbf{A}^{m + 1}_ T and the point z. To prove this case we may assume S = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A) and T = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(B) are affine. Let A \to B be the ring map corresponding to the morphism T \to S and set P = B[x_1, \ldots , x_{m + 1}] so that \mathbf{A}^{m + 1}_ T = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(P). We have
Hence the map P \to \Omega _{P/A}, g \mapsto g \text{d}x_{m + 1} is a split injection and x_{m + 1} is a nonzerodivisor on \Omega ^ p_{P/A} for all p \geq 0. Localizing at the prime ideal corresponding to z finishes the proof. \square
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