Lemma 50.16.2. For a \geq 0 there are canonical maps
whose composition is induced by the inclusion \mathcal{O}_ L \subset \mathcal{O}_ L((n - 1)E).
Lemma 50.16.2. For a \geq 0 there are canonical maps
whose composition is induced by the inclusion \mathcal{O}_ L \subset \mathcal{O}_ L((n - 1)E).
Proof. The first arrow in the displayed formula is discussed in Section 50.2. To get the second arrow we have to show that if we view a local section of \Omega ^ a_{L/S} as a “meromorphic section” of b^*\Omega ^ a_{X/S}, then it has a pole of order at most n - 1 along E. To see this we work on affine local charts on L. Namely, recall that L is covered by the spectra of the affine blowup algebras A[\frac{I}{y_ i}] where I = A_{+} is the ideal generated by y_1, \ldots , y_ n. See Algebra, Section 10.70 and Divisors, Lemma 31.32.2. By symmetry it is enough to work on the chart corresponding to i = 1. Then
where t_ i = y_ i/y_1, see More on Algebra, Lemma 15.31.2. Thus the module \Omega ^1_{L/S} is over the corresponding affine open freely generated by \text{d}x_1, \ldots , \text{d}x_ m, \text{d}y_1, and \text{d}t_1, \ldots , \text{d}t_ n. Of course, the first m + 1 of these generators come from b^*\Omega ^1_{X/S} and for the remaining n - 1 we have
which has a pole of order 1 along E since E is cut out by y_1 on this chart. Since the wedges of a of these elements give a basis of \Omega ^ a_{L/S} over this chart, and since there are at most n - 1 of the \text{d}t_ j involved this finishes the proof. \square
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