50.16 Calculations
In this section we calculate some Hodge and de Rham cohomology groups for a standard blowing up.
We fix a ring R and we set S = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(R). Fix integers 0 \leq m and 1 \leq n. Consider the closed immersion
Z = \mathbf{A}^ m_ S \longrightarrow \mathbf{A}^{m + n}_ S = X,\quad (a_1, \ldots , a_ m) \mapsto (a_1, \ldots , a_ m, 0, \ldots 0).
We are going to consider the blowing up L of X along the closed subscheme Z. Write
X = \mathbf{A}^{m + n}_ S = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A) \quad \text{with}\quad A = R[x_1, \ldots , x_ m, y_1, \ldots , y_ n]
We will consider A = R[x_1, \ldots , x_ m, y_1, \ldots , y_ n] as a graded R-algebra by setting \deg (x_ i) = 0 and \deg (y_ j) = 1. With this grading we have
P = \text{Proj}(A) = \mathbf{A}^ m_ S \times _ S \mathbf{P}^{n - 1}_ S = Z \times _ S \mathbf{P}^{n - 1}_ S = \mathbf{P}^{n - 1}_ Z
Observe that the ideal cutting out Z in X is the ideal A_+. Hence L is the Proj of the Rees algebra
A \oplus A_+ \oplus (A_+)^2 \oplus \ldots = \bigoplus \nolimits _{d \geq 0} A_{\geq d}
Hence L is an example of the phenomenon studied in more generality in More on Morphisms, Section 37.51; we will use the observations we made there without further mention. In particular, we have a commutative diagram
\xymatrix{ P \ar[r]_0 \ar[d]_ p & L \ar[r]_-\pi \ar[d]^ b & P \ar[d]^ p \\ Z \ar[r]^ i & X \ar[r] & Z }
such that \pi : L \to P is a line bundle over P = Z \times _ S \mathbf{P}^{n - 1}_ S with zero section 0 whose image E = 0(P) \subset L is the exceptional divisor of the blowup b.
Lemma 50.16.1. For a \geq 0 we have
the map \Omega ^ a_{X/S} \to b_*\Omega ^ a_{L/S} is an isomorphism,
the map \Omega ^ a_{Z/S} \to p_*\Omega ^ a_{P/S} is an isomorphism, and
the map Rb_*\Omega ^ a_{L/S} \to i_*Rp_*\Omega ^ a_{P/S} is an isomorphism on cohomology sheaves in degree \geq 1.
Let us first prove part (2). Since P = Z \times _ S \mathbf{P}^{n - 1}_ S we see that
\Omega ^ a_{P/S} = \bigoplus \nolimits _{a = r + s} \text{pr}_1^*\Omega ^ r_{Z/S} \otimes \text{pr}_2^*\Omega ^ s_{\mathbf{P}^{n - 1}_ S/S}
Recalling that p = \text{pr}_1 by the projection formula (Cohomology, Lemma 20.54.2) we obtain
p_*\Omega ^ a_{P/S} = \bigoplus \nolimits _{a = r + s} \Omega ^ r_{Z/S} \otimes \text{pr}_{1, *}\text{pr}_2^*\Omega ^ s_{\mathbf{P}^{n - 1}_ S/S}
By the calculations in Section 50.11 and in particular in the proof of Lemma 50.11.3 we have \text{pr}_{1, *}\text{pr}_2^*\Omega ^ s_{\mathbf{P}^{n - 1}_ S/S} = 0 except if s = 0 in which case we get \text{pr}_{1, *}\mathcal{O}_ P = \mathcal{O}_ Z. This proves (2).
By the material in Section 50.10 and in particular Lemma 50.10.4 we have \pi _*\Omega ^ a_{L/S} = \Omega ^ a_{P/S} \oplus \bigoplus _{k \geq 1} \Omega ^ a_{L/S, k}. Since the composition \pi \circ 0 in the diagram above is the identity morphism on P to prove part (3) it suffices to show that \Omega ^ a_{L/S, k} has vanishing higher cohomology for k > 0. By Lemmas 50.10.2 and 50.10.4 there are short exact sequences
0 \to \Omega ^ a_{P/S} \otimes \mathcal{O}_ P(k) \to \Omega ^ a_{L/S, k} \to \Omega ^{a - 1}_{P/S} \otimes \mathcal{O}_ P(k) \to 0
where \Omega ^{a - 1}_{P/S} = 0 if a = 0. Since P = Z \times _ S \mathbf{P}^{n - 1}_ S we have
\Omega ^ a_{P/S} = \bigoplus \nolimits _{i + j = a} \Omega ^ i_{Z/S} \boxtimes \Omega ^ j_{\mathbf{P}^{n - 1}_ S/S}
by Lemma 50.8.1. Since \Omega ^ i_{Z/S} is free of finite rank we see that it suffices to show that the higher cohomology of \mathcal{O}_ Z \boxtimes \Omega ^ j_{\mathbf{P}^{n - 1}_ S/S}(k) is zero for k > 0. This follows from Lemma 50.11.2 applied to P = Z \times _ S \mathbf{P}^{n - 1}_ S = \mathbf{P}^{n - 1}_ Z and the proof of (3) is complete.
We still have to prove (1). If n = 1, then we are blowing up an effective Cartier divisor and b is an isomorphism and we have (1). If n > 1, then the composition
\Gamma (X, \Omega ^ a_{X/S}) \to \Gamma (L, \Omega ^ a_{L/S}) \to \Gamma (L \setminus E, \Omega ^ a_{L/S}) = \Gamma (X \setminus Z, \Omega ^ a_{X/S})
is an isomorphism as \Omega ^ a_{X/S} is finite free (small detail omitted). Thus the only way (1) can fail is if there are nonzero elements of \Gamma (L, \Omega ^ a_{L/S}) which vanish outside of E = 0(P). Since L is a line bundle over P with zero section 0 : P \to L, it suffices to show that on a line bundle there are no nonzero sections of a sheaf of differentials which vanish identically outside the zero section. The reader sees this is true either (preferably) by a local calculation or by using that \Omega _{L/S, k} \subset \Omega _{L^\star /S, k} (see references above).
We suggest the reader skip to the next section at this point.
Lemma 50.16.2. For a \geq 0 there are canonical maps
b^*\Omega ^ a_{X/S} \longrightarrow \Omega ^ a_{L/S} \longrightarrow b^*\Omega ^ a_{X/S} \otimes _{\mathcal{O}_ L} \mathcal{O}_ L((n - 1)E)
whose composition is induced by the inclusion \mathcal{O}_ L \subset \mathcal{O}_ L((n - 1)E).
The first arrow in the displayed formula is discussed in Section 50.2. To get the second arrow we have to show that if we view a local section of \Omega ^ a_{L/S} as a “meromorphic section” of b^*\Omega ^ a_{X/S}, then it has a pole of order at most n - 1 along E. To see this we work on affine local charts on L. Namely, recall that L is covered by the spectra of the affine blowup algebras A[\frac{I}{y_ i}] where I = A_{+} is the ideal generated by y_1, \ldots , y_ n. See Algebra, Section 10.70 and Divisors, Lemma 31.32.2. By symmetry it is enough to work on the chart corresponding to i = 1. Then
A[\frac{I}{y_1}] = R[x_1, \ldots , x_ m, y_1, t_2, \ldots , t_ n]
where t_ i = y_ i/y_1, see More on Algebra, Lemma 15.31.2. Thus the module \Omega ^1_{L/S} is over the corresponding affine open freely generated by \text{d}x_1, \ldots , \text{d}x_ m, \text{d}y_1, and \text{d}t_1, \ldots , \text{d}t_ n. Of course, the first m + 1 of these generators come from b^*\Omega ^1_{X/S} and for the remaining n - 1 we have
\text{d}t_ j = \text{d}\frac{y_ j}{y_1} = \frac{1}{y_1}\text{d}y_ j - \frac{y_ j}{y_1^2}\text{d}y_1 = \frac{\text{d}y_ j - t_ j \text{d}y_1}{y_1}
which has a pole of order 1 along E since E is cut out by y_1 on this chart. Since the wedges of a of these elements give a basis of \Omega ^ a_{L/S} over this chart, and since there are at most n - 1 of the \text{d}t_ j involved this finishes the proof.
Lemma 50.16.3. Let E = 0(P) be the exceptional divisor of the blowing up b. For any locally free \mathcal{O}_ X-module \mathcal{E} and 0 \leq i \leq n - 1 the map
\mathcal{E} \longrightarrow Rb_*(b^*\mathcal{E} \otimes _{\mathcal{O}_ L} \mathcal{O}_ L(iE))
is an isomorphism in D(\mathcal{O}_ X).
By the projection formula it is enough to show this for \mathcal{E} = \mathcal{O}_ X, see Cohomology, Lemma 20.54.2. Since X is affine it suffices to show that the maps
H^0(X, \mathcal{O}_ X) \to H^0(L, \mathcal{O}_ L) \to H^0(L, \mathcal{O}_ L(iE))
are isomorphisms and that H^ j(X, \mathcal{O}_ L(iE)) = 0 for j > 0 and 0 \leq i \leq n - 1, see Cohomology of Schemes, Lemma 30.4.6. Since \pi is affine, we can compute global sections and cohomology after taking \pi _*, see Cohomology of Schemes, Lemma 30.2.4. If n = 1, then L \to X is an isomorphism and i = 0 hence the first statement holds. If n > 1, then we consider the composition
H^0(X, \mathcal{O}_ X) \to H^0(L, \mathcal{O}_ L) \to H^0(L, \mathcal{O}_ L(iE)) \to H^0(L \setminus E, \mathcal{O}_ L) = H^0(X \setminus Z, \mathcal{O}_ X)
Since H^0(X \setminus Z, \mathcal{O}_ X) = H^0(X, \mathcal{O}_ X) in this case as Z has codimension n \geq 2 in X (details omitted) we conclude the first statement holds. For the second, recall that \mathcal{O}_ L(E) = \mathcal{O}_ L(-1), see Divisors, Lemma 31.32.4. Hence we have
\pi _*\mathcal{O}_ L(iE) = \pi _*\mathcal{O}_ L(-i) = \bigoplus \nolimits _{k \geq -i} \mathcal{O}_ P(k)
as discussed in More on Morphisms, Section 37.51. Thus we conclude by the vanishing of the cohomology of twists of the structure sheaf on P = \mathbf{P}^{n - 1}_ Z shown in Cohomology of Schemes, Lemma 30.8.1.
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