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Lemma 51.22.6. With q_0 = q(S) and d = d(S) as above, let M be an (A, n, c)-module and let \varphi : M \to I^ n/I^{2n} be an A-linear map. Assume n \geq \max (q_0 + (1 + d)c, (2 + d)c) and if d = 0 assume n \geq q_0 + 2c. Then the composition

M \xrightarrow {\varphi } I^ n/I^{2n} \to I^{n - (1 + d)c}/I^{2n - (1 + d)c}

is of the form \sum a_ i \psi _ i with a_ i \in I^ c and \psi _ i : M \to I^{n - (2 + d)c}/I^{2n - (2 + d)c}.

Proof. The case d > 1. Since we have a compatible system of maps p^*(I^ q) \to \mathcal{O}_ X(q) for q \geq 0 there are canonical maps p^*(I^ q/I^{q + \nu }) \to \mathcal{O}_{Y_\nu }(q) for \nu \geq 0. Using this and pulling back \varphi we obtain a map

\chi : p^*M \longrightarrow \mathcal{O}_{Y_ n}(n)

such that the composition M \to H^0(X, p^*M) \to H^0(X, \mathcal{O}_{Y_ n}(n)) is the given homomorphism \varphi combined with the map I^ n/I^{2n} \to H^0(X, \mathcal{O}_{Y_ n}(n)). Since \mathcal{O}_{Y_ n}(n) is invertible on Y_ n the linear map \chi determines a section

\sigma \in \Gamma (X, (p^*M)^\vee (n))

with notation as in Remark 51.22.5. The discussion in Remark 51.22.5 shows the cokernel and kernel of can : p^*(M^\vee ) \to (p^*M)^\vee are scheme theoretically supported on Y_ c. By Lemma 51.22.3 the map (p^*M)^\vee (n) \to (p^*M)^\vee (n - 2c) factors through p^*(M^\vee )(n - 2c); small detail omitted. Hence the image of \sigma in \Gamma (X, (p^*M)^\vee (n - 2c)) comes from an element

\sigma ' \in \Gamma (X, p^*(M^\vee )(n - 2c))

By Lemma 51.22.4 part (5), the fact that M^\vee is an (A, n, c)-module by More on Algebra, Lemma 15.70.7, and the fact that n \geq q_0 + (1 + d)c so n - 2c \geq q_0 + (d - 1)c we see that the image of \sigma ' in H^0(X, p^*M^\vee (n - (1 + d)c)) is the image of an element \tau in I^{n - (1 + d)c}M^\vee . Write \tau = \sum a_ i \tau _ i with \tau _ i \in I^{n - (2 + d)c}M^\vee ; this makes sense as n - (2 + d)c \geq 0. Then \tau _ i determines a homomorphism of modules \psi _ i : M \to I^{n - (2 + d)c}/I^{2n - (2 + d)c} using the evaluation map M \otimes M^\vee \to A/I^ n.

Let us prove that this works1. Pick z \in M and let us show that \varphi (z) and \sum a_ i \psi _ i(z) have the same image in I^{n - (1 + d)c}/I^{2n - (1 + d)c}. First, the element z determines a map p^*z : \mathcal{O}_{Y_ n} \to p^*M whose composition with \chi is equal to the map \mathcal{O}_{Y_ n} \to \mathcal{O}_{Y_ n}(n) corresponding to \varphi (z) via the map I^ n/I^{2n} \to \Gamma (\mathcal{O}_{Y_ n}(n)). Next z and p^*z determine evaluation maps e_ z : M^\vee \to A/I^ n and e_{p^*z} : (p^*M)^\vee \to \mathcal{O}_{Y_ n}. Since \chi (p^*z) is the section corresponding to \varphi (z) we see that e_{p^*z}(\sigma ) is the section corresponding to \varphi (z). Here and below we abuse notation: for a map a : \mathcal{F} \to \mathcal{G} of modules on X we also denote a : \mathcal{F}(t) \to \mathcal{F}(t) the corresponding map of twisted modules. The diagram

\xymatrix{ p^*(M^\vee ) \ar[d]_{can} \ar[r]_{p^*e_ z} & \mathcal{O}_{Y_ n} \ar@{=}[d] \\ (p^*M)^\vee \ar[r]^{e_{p^*z}} & \mathcal{O}_{Y_ n} }

commutes by functoriality of the construction can. Hence (p^*e_ z)(\sigma ') in \Gamma (Y_ n, \mathcal{O}_{Y_ n}(n - 2c)) is the section corresponding to the image of \varphi (z) in I^{n - 2c}/I^{2n - 2c}. The next step is that \sigma ' maps to the image of \sum a_ i \tau _ i in H^0(X, p^*M^\vee (n - (1 + d)c)). This implies that (p^*e_ z)(\sum a_ i \tau _ i) = \sum a_ i p^*e_ z(\tau _ i) in \Gamma (Y_ n, \mathcal{O}_{Y_ n}(n - (1 + d)c)) is the section corresponding to the image of \varphi (z) in I^{n - (1 + d)c}/I^{2n - (1 + d)c}. Recall that \psi _ i is defined from \tau _ i using an evaluation map. Hence if we denote

\chi _ i : p^*M \longrightarrow \mathcal{O}_{Y_ n}(n - (2 + d)c)

the map we get from \psi _ i, then we see by the same reasoning as above that the section corresponding to \psi _ i(z) is \chi _ i(p^*z) = e_{p^*z}(\chi _ i) = p^*e_ z(\tau _ i). Hence we conclude that the image of \varphi (z) in \Gamma (Y_ n, \mathcal{O}_{Y_ n}(n - (1 + d)c)) is equal to the image of \sum a_ i\psi _ i(z). Since n - (1 + d)c \geq q_0 we have \Gamma (Y_ n, \mathcal{O}_{Y_ n}(n - (1 + d)c)) = I^{n - (1 + d)c}/I^{2n - (1 + d)c} by Lemma 51.22.1 and we conclude the desired compatibility is true.

The case d = 1. Here we argue as above that we get

\chi : p^*M \longrightarrow \mathcal{O}_{Y_ n}(n),\quad \sigma \in \Gamma (X, (p^*M)^\vee (n)),\quad \sigma ' \in \Gamma (X, p^*(M^\vee )(n - 2c)),

and then we use Lemma 51.22.4 part (4) to see that \sigma ' is the image of some element \tau \in I^{n - 2c}M^\vee . The rest of the argument is the same.

The case d = 0. Argument is exactly the same as in the case d = 1. \square

[1] We hope some reader will suggest a less dirty proof of this fact.

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