Lemma 88.11.1. Let A and B be adic topological rings which have a finitely generated ideal of definition. Let \varphi : A \to B be a continuous ring homomorphism. The following are equivalent:
\varphi is adic and B is topologically of finite type over A,
\varphi is taut and B is topologically of finite type over A,
there exists an ideal of definition I \subset A such that the topology on B is the I-adic topology and there exist an ideal of definition I' \subset A such that A/I' \to B/I'B is of finite type,
for all ideals of definition I \subset A the topology on B is the I-adic topology and A/I \to B/IB is of finite type,
there exists an ideal of definition I \subset A such that the topology on B is the I-adic topology and B is in the category (,
for all ideals of definition I \subset A the topology on B is the I-adic topology and B is in the category (,
B as a topological A-algebra is the quotient of A\{ x_1, \ldots , x_ r\} by a closed ideal,
B as a topological A-algebra is the quotient of A[x_1, \ldots , x_ r]^\wedge by a closed ideal where A[x_1, \ldots , x_ r]^\wedge is the completion of A[x_1, \ldots , x_ r] with respect to some ideal of definition of A, and
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Moreover, these equivalent conditions define a local property of morphisms of \text{WAdm}^{adic*} as defined in Formal Spaces, Remark 87.21.4.
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