The Stacks project

Bibliography entry SGA4

Artin, Michael and Grothendieck, Alexander and Verdier, Jean-Louis
Theorie de Topos et Cohomologie Etale des Schemas I, II, III
Lecture Notes in Mathematics
269, 270, 305

    AUTHOR = "Artin, Michael and Grothendieck, Alexander and Verdier, Jean-Louis",
    TITLE = "Theorie de Topos et Cohomologie Etale des Schemas {I}, {II}, {III}",
    PUBLISHER = "Springer",
    YEAR = "1971",
    SERIES = "Lecture Notes in Mathematics",
    VOLUME = "269, 270, 305"


This item is referenced in 30 tags:

  • in Section 7.1: Introduction
  • in Section 7.29: Morphisms of topoi, which cites Exposé IV, Proposition 4.9.4 of SGA4
  • in Lemma 7.29.6, which cites Proposition 4.9.4. Exposé IV of SGA4
  • in Section 7.39: Criterion for existence of points, which cites Exposé VI of SGA4
  • in Proposition 7.39.3, which cites Exposé VI, Appendix by Deligne, Proposition 9.0 of SGA4
  • in Section 7.44: Sheaves of algebraic structures
  • in Section 7.46: Comparison with SGA4, which cites Exposee I, Section 5 of SGA4
  • in Section 7.47: Topologies
  • in Section 13.14: Derived functors in general
  • in Section 17.1: Introduction
  • in Section 18.1: Introduction
  • in Lemma 18.39.1, which cites Exposé V, Corollary 1.7.1 of SGA4
  • in Section 18.40: Locally ringed topoi, which cites Exposé IV, Exercice 13.9 of SGA4
  • in Lemma 20.16.3, which cites Expose V bis, 4.1.3 of SGA4
  • in Theorem 20.18.2: Proper base change, which cites Expose V bis, 4.1.1 of SGA4
  • in Section 20.25: Čech cohomology of complexes, which cites Exposee XVII of SGA4
  • in Section 21.1: Introduction
  • in Section 25.1: Introduction, which cites Exposé V, Sec. 7 of SGA4
  • in Section 25.2: Semi-representable objects, which cites Exposé V, Subsection 7.3.0 of SGA4
  • in Section 25.11: Hypercoverings of spaces, which cites Exposé Vbis of SGA4
  • in Remark 25.11.2, which cites Exposé Vbis of SGA4
  • in Section 37.75: Weightings, which cites Exposee XVII, 6.2.4 of SGA4
  • in Section 59.20: Big and small sites of schemes
  • in Section 59.66: Méthode de la trace, which cites Exposé IX, §5 of SGA4
  • in Lemma 59.74.4, which cites Exposee IX, Proposition 2.14 of SGA4
  • in Section 59.75: Specializations and étale sheaves, which cites Exposee VIII, 7.7, page 397 of SGA4
  • in Section 59.91: The proper base change theorem, which cites XII, Theorem 5.1 of SGA4
  • in Section 63.3: Sections with compact support, which cites Exposee XVII, Section 6 of SGA4
  • in Section 63.5: Weightings and trace maps for locally quasi-finite morphisms, which cites Exposee XVII, Proposition 6.2.5 of SGA4
  • in Section 112.4: Related references on foundations of stacks