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7.46 Comparison with SGA4

Our notation for the functors u^ p and u_ p from Section 7.5 and u^ s and u_ s from Section 7.13 is taken from [pages 14 and 42, ArtinTopologies]. Having made these choices, the notation for the functor {}_ pu in Section 7.19 and {}_ su in Section 7.20 seems reasonable. In this section we compare our notation with that of SGA4.

Presheaves: Let u : \mathcal{C} \to \mathcal{D} be a functor between categories. The functor u^ p is denoted u^* in [Exposee I, Section 5, SGA4]. The functor u_ p is denoted u_! in [Exposee I, Proposition 5.1, SGA4]. The functor {}_ pu is denoted u_* in [Exposee I, Proposition 5.1, SGA4]. In other words, we have

u_ p, u^ p, {}_ pu\quad (SP) \quad \text{versus}\quad u_!, u^*, u_*\quad (SGA4)

The reader should be cautioned that different notation is used for these functors in different parts of SGA4.

Sheaves and continuous functors: Suppose that \mathcal{C} and \mathcal{D} are sites and that u : \mathcal{C} \to \mathcal{D} is a continuous functor (Definition 7.13.1). The functor u^ s is denoted u_ s in [Exposee III, 1.11, SGA4]. The functor u_ s is denoted u^ s in [Exposee III, Proposition 1.2, SGA4]. In other words, we have

u_ s, u^ s\quad (SP) \quad \text{versus}\quad u^ s, u_ s\quad (SGA4)

When u defines a morphism of sites f : \mathcal{D} \to \mathcal{C} (Definition 7.14.1) we see that the associated morphism of topoi (Lemma 7.15.2) is the same as that in [Exposee IV, (, SGA4].

Sheaves and cocontinuous functors: Suppose that \mathcal{C} and \mathcal{D} are sites and that u : \mathcal{C} \to \mathcal{D} is a cocontinuous functor (Definition 7.20.1). The functor {}_ su (Lemma 7.20.2) is denoted u_* in [Exposee III, Proposition 2.3, SGA4]. The functor (u^ p\ )^\# is denoted u^* in [Exposee III, Proposition 2.3, SGA4]. In other words, we have

(u^ p\ )^\# , {}_ su\quad (SP) \quad \text{versus}\quad u^*, u_*\quad (SGA4)

Thus the morphism of topoi associated to u in Lemma 7.21.1 is the same as that in [Exposee IV, 4.7, SGA4].

Morphisms of Topoi: If f is a morphism of topoi given by the functors (f^{-1}, f_*) then the functor f^{-1} is denoted f^* in [Exposee IV, Definition 3.1, SGA4]. We will use f^{-1} to denote pullback of sheaves of sets or more generally sheaves of algebraic structure (Section 7.44). We will use f^* to denote pullback of sheaves of modules for a morphism of ringed topoi (Modules on Sites, Definition 18.13.1).

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