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\begin{equation*} \DeclareMathOperator\Coim{Coim} \DeclareMathOperator\Coker{Coker} \DeclareMathOperator\Ext{Ext} \DeclareMathOperator\Hom{Hom} \DeclareMathOperator\Im{Im} \DeclareMathOperator\Ker{Ker} \DeclareMathOperator\Mor{Mor} \DeclareMathOperator\Ob{Ob} \DeclareMathOperator\Sh{Sh} \DeclareMathOperator\SheafExt{\mathcal{E}\mathit{xt}} \DeclareMathOperator\SheafHom{\mathcal{H}\mathit{om}} \DeclareMathOperator\Spec{Spec} \newcommand\colim{\mathop{\mathrm{colim}}\nolimits} \newcommand\lim{\mathop{\mathrm{lim}}\nolimits} \newcommand\Qcoh{\mathit{Qcoh}} \newcommand\Sch{\mathit{Sch}} \newcommand\QCohstack{\mathcal{QC}\!\mathit{oh}} \newcommand\Cohstack{\mathcal{C}\!\mathit{oh}} \newcommand\Spacesstack{\mathcal{S}\!\mathit{paces}} \newcommand\Quotfunctor{\mathrm{Quot}} \newcommand\Hilbfunctor{\mathrm{Hilb}} \newcommand\Curvesstack{\mathcal{C}\!\mathit{urves}} \newcommand\Polarizedstack{\mathcal{P}\!\mathit{olarized}} \newcommand\Complexesstack{\mathcal{C}\!\mathit{omplexes}} \newcommand\Pic{\mathop{\mathrm{Pic}}\nolimits} \newcommand\Picardstack{\mathcal{P}\!\mathit{ic}} \newcommand\Picardfunctor{\mathrm{Pic}} \newcommand\Deformationcategory{\mathcal{D}\!\mathit{ef}} \end{equation*}

On left comment #9946 on Lemma 13.21.3 in Derived Categories

Typo in the first paragraph: In “since computes ,” I think it should be “computes ” instead.

On left comment #9945 on Lemma 13.21.2 in Derived Categories

The statement of Lemma 13.18.9 doesn't guarantee that is concentrated in the upper-half plane (i.e., that if ), although its proof does, see #9944.

On left comment #9944 on Lemma 13.18.9 in Derived Categories

One could add rewrite the last claim of the statement to be:

Moreover: 1. If (resp., , ) vanishes for all values of less than (resp., , ), then , , might be chosen so that for all . 2. Given any injective resolution we may assume .

And we can assume 1+2 provided that for all .

On Noah Olander left comment #9943 on Lemma 85.24.3 in Simplicial Spaces

In (3) of the statement I think it should say "...for all "

On Tony left comment #9942 on Lemma 10.71.4 in Commutative Algebra

For (2), in order to conclude that and are homotopic we also need to define a map such that . Luckily this is a simple matter of rearragning this equation into , which is well-defined because is surjective.

On left comment #9941 on Section 12.24 in Homological Algebra

In Definition 12.24.1, second paragraph, after “we assume, for the moment, that is an abelian category which has countable direct sums and countable direct sums are exact” one could add “i.e., is AB4” (mentioned as well in #9940).

On left comment #9940 on Section 12.23 in Homological Algebra

After Definition 12.23.1, in “we assume, for the moment, that is an abelian category which has countable direct sums and countable direct sums are exact” one could add “i.e., is AB4, see Injectives, Definition 19.10.1.”

On left comment #9939 on Definition 12.20.2 in Homological Algebra

Okay, yes. It's 12.19.1. Maybe it is worth linking this?

On left comment #9938 on Definition 12.20.2 in Homological Algebra

How are the notations and defined? Do they mean minimum and supremum in the poset of subobjects of ?

On Anonymous left comment #9937 on Lemma 7.11.2 in Sites and Sheaves

In case it's helpful for anyone, here's a sketch of proof.

We can use the Yoneda lemma to prove that monomorphisms coincide with injections, as in the proof of Tag 7.3.2.

An isomorphism of sheaves is clearly both injective and surjective. Conversely, a subsheaf which satisfies Condition (2) of Tag 7.11 must equal all of , by the sheaf conditions applied to and .

Given two morphisms of sheaves , their equalizer is given by an injection of sheaves . We thus find that a surjection of sheaves is an epimorphism.

Conversely, suppose we are given an epimorphism of sheaves . Without loss of generality, we may assume is injective by replacing with its image under . Now we may apply the argument in the proof of Tag 7.3.2, upon noting that the presheaf pushout is a separated presheaf (using that is a subsheaf of ), and hence maps injectively to its sheafification.

On left comment #9936 on Section 15.86 in More on Algebra

We can refine the Warning before Lemma 15.86.9 in the following way: Denote to the category where and where for there is one morphism from to if and none otherwise. Write . The category of inverse systems over a category is the functor category . Let be an abelian category. There is a natural isomorphism , which identifies the quasi-isomorphisms in with the natural transformations between functors whose components are qis, i.e., is a qis for every [1, Lemma 3]. Thus, by the universal property of the category localization (it holds that for any abelian category ), we have a unique functor fitting into a commutative square as this one. An alternative way to build \eqref{fun} is first to build a functor (which is possible thanks to [1, Remark 4], beware that this functor is not faithful and possible neither full [2]), and then using the universal property of the localization to get a obtain a unique \eqref{fun} making this square commute.

Lemma 15.86.9 says that \eqref{fun} is essentially surjective. However, \eqref{fun} is not faithful and might not be full [3].


  1. A characterization of AB5 and AB4 categories. Does this result show up in the literature?, Mathematics Stack Exchange.

  2. Derivators - diagrams in homotopy category of chain complexes, MathOverflow.

  3. Is the derived category of inverse systems the inverse systems of the derived category?, MathOverflow.

On ZL left comment #9935 on Lemma 10.90.3 in Commutative Algebra

Typo: last sentence "We conclude by Lemma 10.5.3 (2) that is finitely presented. "

On Branislav Sobot left comment #9934 on Lemma 10.161.14 in Commutative Algebra

Wait! Sorry, now I realize you are not taking union over all associated primes, but just over some of them...

On Branislav Sobot left comment #9933 on Lemma 10.161.14 in Commutative Algebra

I don't think the proof works. What if you take to be normal of dimension and take any nonzero . Then is clearly normal, but the equality that you are claiming at the end doesn't hold since the right-hand-side is nonempty. In fact you have only proven inclusion .

On ZL left comment #9932 on Lemma 15.64.5 in More on Algebra

The last diagram on the morphism of distinguished triangles involving seems not to be commutative on the squared adjacent to . At least not in the level of the category of complexes of -modules. How can we see the diagram being commutative in ? (A diagram chasing still can show that surjects to and is isomorphic to , however.)

On Anonymous left comment #9931 on Lemma 4.35.9 in Categories

I think this lemma also holds if and are arbitrary fibred categories over (not necessarily fibred in groupoids) and if is moreover assumed to be a morphism of fibred categories (automatic when is fibred in groupoids).

On Branislav Sobot left comment #9930 on Lemma 10.161.10 in Commutative Algebra

Sorry, I guess you do want just the Leibniz rule since then automatically for all . However, still is the statement is not correct I think

On Tony left comment #9929 on Lemma 10.40.5 in Commutative Algebra

I don't see how Lemma 10.9.9 can be used in the second part of the proof. However, after giving up on it I found that there is an elementary alternative: Since there must exist an such that . Now choose , and note that on one hand since is prime, and on the other hand . Thus , which is equivalent to the desired result .

On Branislav Sobot left comment #9928 on Lemma 10.161.10 in Commutative Algebra

I am not sure what you mean by derivative here? If you mean "-derivative", then you would automatically have , so I guess not. If you mean that only the Lebniz rule should be satisfied, then I don't see why you can replace with . My guess is that you want this to be -derivative, where is the subring of all -powers, but should be in the statement. Also, in the statement it should be instead of .

On François Loeser left comment #9927 on Lemma 61.16.2 in Pro-étale Cohomology

In the statement of the Lemma it seems that the first occurence of should be replaced by .