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Lemma 13.18.4. Let \mathcal{A} be an abelian category. Let K^\bullet be an acyclic complex. Let I^\bullet be bounded below and consisting of injective objects. Any morphism K^\bullet \to I^\bullet is homotopic to zero.

Proof. Let \alpha : K^\bullet \to I^\bullet be a morphism of complexes. Note that \alpha ^ j = 0 for j \ll 0 as I^\bullet is bounded below. In particular, we can find an n such that there exist h^ j : K^ j \to I^{j - 1} for j \leq n such that \alpha ^ j = d^{j - 1} \circ h^ j + h^{j + 1} \circ d^ j for j < n. We will show that there exists a morphism h^{n + 1} : K^{n + 1} \to I^ n such that \alpha ^ n = d^{n - 1} \circ h^ n + h^{n + 1} \circ d^ n. Note that

\begin{align*} (\alpha ^ n - d^{n - 1} \circ h^{n - 1}) \circ d^{n - 1} & = \alpha ^{n - 1} \circ d^{n - 1} - d^{n - 1} \circ h^{n - 1} \circ d^{n - 1} \\ & = d^{n - 1} \circ \alpha ^{n - 1} - d^{n - 1} \circ h^{n - 1} \circ d^{n - 1} \\ & = d^{n - 1} \circ (d^{n - 2} \circ h^{n - 1} + h^ n \circ d^{n - 1}) - d^{n - 1} \circ h^{n - 1} \circ d^{n - 1} \\ & = 0 \end{align*}

Since K^\bullet is acyclic we have d^{n - 1}(K^{n - 1}) = \mathop{\mathrm{Ker}}(K^ n \to K^{n + 1}). Hence we can think of \alpha ^ n - d^{n - 1} \circ h^{n - 1} as a map into I^ n defined on the subobject \mathop{\mathrm{Im}}(K^ n \to K^{n + 1}) of K^{n + 1}. By injectivity of the object I^ n we can extend this to a map h^{n + 1} : K^{n + 1} \to I^ n. With this choice the reader checks that we indeed have \alpha ^ n = d^{n - 1} \circ h^ n + h^{n + 1} \circ d^ n.

By induction on n we conclude we can find h = (h^ j)_{j \in \mathbf{Z}} which forms a homotopy between \alpha and 0 as desired. \square

Comments (3)

Comment #8414 by on

I think what the proof does might not be enough to conclude that is homotopic to zero,

Comment #8415 by on

The correct proof is not much different from the actual one: suppose there is and that, for each , there are maps such that for all . We are going to construct a map such that . For this, note that Hence, , and we can reuse the already existing argument.

Comment #9039 by on

@#8414: I think this mathoverflow post discusses a different thing because here the proof as it is written now shows there exists a homotopy to go from a map zero in degrees to a map zero in degrees where moreover the homotopy is zero except for the map and that clearly does work (in general). Anyway, I have changed it as you suggested here so the point I just made is now moot (or will be when the site is updated). Thanks.

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