Lemma 35.3.7. Let R \to A be a faithfully flat ring map. Let (N, \varphi ) be a descent datum. Then (N, \varphi ) is effective if and only if the canonical map
is an isomorphism.
Lemma 35.3.7. Let R \to A be a faithfully flat ring map. Let (N, \varphi ) be a descent datum. Then (N, \varphi ) is effective if and only if the canonical map
is an isomorphism.
Proof. If (N, \varphi ) is effective, then we may write N = A \otimes _ R M with \varphi = can. It follows that H^0(s(N_\bullet )) = M by Lemmas 35.3.3 and 35.3.6. Conversely, suppose the map of the lemma is an isomorphism. In this case set M = H^0(s(N_\bullet )). This is an R-submodule of N, namely M = \{ n \in N \mid 1 \otimes n = \varphi (n \otimes 1)\} . The only thing to check is that via the isomorphism A \otimes _ R M \to N the canonical descent data agrees with \varphi . We omit the verification. \square
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