Lemma 35.8.1. Let S be a scheme. Let \mathcal{F} be a quasi-coherent \mathcal{O}_ S-module. Let \tau \in \{ Zariski, \linebreak[0] {\acute{e}tale}, \linebreak[0] smooth, \linebreak[0] syntomic, \linebreak[0] fppf, \linebreak[0] fpqc\} . The functor defined in ( satisfies the sheaf condition with respect to any \tau -covering \{ T_ i \to T\} _{i \in I} of any scheme T over S.
Proof. For \tau \in \{ Zariski, \linebreak[0] {\acute{e}tale}, \linebreak[0] smooth, \linebreak[0] syntomic, \linebreak[0] fppf\} a \tau -covering is also a fpqc-covering, see the results in Topologies, Lemmas 34.4.2, 34.5.2, 34.6.2, 34.7.2, and 34.9.7. Hence it suffices to prove the theorem for a fpqc covering. Assume that \{ f_ i : T_ i \to T\} _{i \in I} is an fpqc covering where f : T \to S is given. Suppose that we have a family of sections s_ i \in \Gamma (T_ i , f_ i^*f^*\mathcal{F}) such that s_ i|_{T_ i \times _ T T_ j} = s_ j|_{T_ i \times _ T T_ j}. We have to find the correspond section s \in \Gamma (T, f^*\mathcal{F}). We can reinterpret the s_ i as a family of maps \varphi _ i : f_ i^*\mathcal{O}_ T = \mathcal{O}_{T_ i} \to f_ i^*f^*\mathcal{F} compatible with the canonical descent data associated to the quasi-coherent sheaves \mathcal{O}_ T and f^*\mathcal{F} on T. Hence by Proposition 35.5.2 we see that we may (uniquely) descend these to a map \mathcal{O}_ T \to f^*\mathcal{F} which gives us our section s. \square
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