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Definition 83.10.1. Let $S$ be a scheme and $B$ an algebraic space over $S$. Let $j : R \to U \times _ B U$ be a pre-relation. A morphism $\phi : U \to X$ of algebraic spaces over $B$ is called a geometric quotient if

  1. $\phi $ is an orbit space,

  2. condition (1) holds universally, i.e., $\phi $ is universally submersive, and

  3. the functions on $X$ are the $R$-invariant functions on $U$.

Comments (3)

Comment #6489 by Taeyeoup Kang on

Can we say that a fppf sheaf quotient is a geometric quotient? Here a fppf sheaf quotient means that a morphism of algebraic spaces is the coequalizer of in the category of sheaves on .

I think we can show that a fppf sheaf quotient satisfies (1) and (3). Clearly -invariant, and we have surjections by \href{}{[Stacks,046O]} and as morphisms of fppf sheaves. This shows that both and are surjective as algebraic spaces, thus is an orbit space.

Also satisfies the condition (4) since from a coequalizer diagram, we obtain an equalizer diagram and we know that . This shows that satisfies the condition (3).

But I'm not sure whether is submersive. Does it need to be?

Comment #6498 by on

@#6489. Yes, I think this is true. Indeed, the condition that is the quotient of by as fppf sheaves is a rather strong one as there is no reason that the fppf sheaf quotient is an algebraic space in general! I agree that using Lemmas 78.19.5 and 83.5.19 it follows that is an orbit space. (A morphism of algebraic spaces which is surjective as a map of fppf sheaves is also surjective as a morphism of algebraic spaces -- the converse doesn't hold.) I also agree the condition on -invariant functions being functions on hold, but in order to prove this you have to also do your argument after base change by an etale morphism (because you have to check the equality of sheaves on the etale site of ). I think submersive works too: namely, since is surjective as a map of fppf sheaves, there is a surjective flat morphism of algebraic spaces which is locally of finite presentation such that lifts to a morphism . Now is universally submersive and so therefore is .

But I think the notion of a geometric quotient was defined to deal with cases where it isn't true that the quotient fppf sheaf is representable!

Comment #6517 by Taeyeoup Kang on

It is clear for me now. Thanks a lot!

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