Lemma 37.7.6. Let
\[ \xymatrix{ Z \ar[r]_ h \ar[d]_ f & X \ar[d]^ g \\ W \ar[r]^{h'} & Y } \]
be a fibre product diagram in the category of schemes with $h'$ formally unramified. Then $h$ is formally unramified and if $W \subset W'$ is the universal first order thickening of $W$ over $Y$, then $Z = X \times _ Y W \subset X \times _ Y W'$ is the universal first order thickening of $Z$ over $X$. In particular the canonical map $f^*\mathcal{C}_{W/Y} \to \mathcal{C}_{Z/X}$ of Lemma 37.7.5 is surjective.
The morphism $h$ is formally unramified by Lemma 37.6.4. It is clear that $X \times _ Y W'$ is a first order thickening. It is straightforward to check that it has the universal property because $W'$ has the universal property (by mapping properties of fibre products). See Morphisms, Lemma 29.31.4 for why this implies that the map of conormal sheaves is surjective.
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