Lemma 37.7.8. Taking the universal first order thickenings commutes with taking opens. More precisely, let h : Z \to X be a formally unramified morphism of schemes. Let V \subset Z, U \subset X be opens such that h(V) \subset U. Let Z' be the universal first order thickening of Z over X. Then h|_ V : V \to U is formally unramified and the universal first order thickening of V over U is the open subscheme V' \subset Z' such that V = Z \cap V'. In particular, \mathcal{C}_{Z/X}|_ V = \mathcal{C}_{V/U}.
Proof. The first statement is Lemma 37.6.5. The compatibility of universal thickenings can be deduced from the proof of Lemma 37.7.1, or from Algebra, Lemma 10.149.4 or deduced from Lemma 37.7.7. \square
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