Lemma 35.33.2. Let \mathcal{P} be a property of morphisms of schemes which is étale local on the source-and-target. Consider the property \mathcal{Q} of morphisms of germs defined by the rule
\mathcal{Q}((X, x) \to (S, s)) \Leftrightarrow \text{there exists a representative }U \to S \text{ which has }\mathcal{P}
Then \mathcal{Q} is étale local on the source-and-target as in Definition 35.33.1.
If a morphism of germs (X, x) \to (S, s) has \mathcal{Q}, then there are arbitrarily small neighbourhoods U \subset X of x and V \subset S of s such that a representative U \to V of (X, x) \to (S, s) has \mathcal{P}. This follows from Lemma 35.32.4. Let
\xymatrix{ (U', u') \ar[r]_{h'} \ar[d]_ a & (V', v') \ar[d]^ b \\ (U, u) \ar[r]^ h & (V, v) }
be as in Definition 35.33.1. Choose U_1 \subset U and a representative h_1 : U_1 \to V of h. Choose V'_1 \subset V' and an étale representative b_1 : V'_1 \to V of b (Definition 35.20.2). Choose U'_1 \subset U' and representatives a_1 : U'_1 \to U_1 and h'_1 : U'_1 \to V'_1 of a and h' with a_1 étale. After shrinking U'_1 we may assume h_1 \circ a_1 = b_1 \circ h'_1. By the initial remark of the proof, we are trying to show u' \in W(h'_1) \Leftrightarrow u \in W(h_1) where W(-) is as in Lemma 35.26.3. Thus the lemma follows from Lemma 35.32.9.
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