Lemma 37.24.3. Let f : X \to Y be a finite type morphism of schemes. Assume Y irreducible with generic point \eta . If Z \subset X is a closed subset with Z_\eta nowhere dense in X_\eta , then there exists a nonempty open V \subset Y such that Z_ y is nowhere dense in X_ y for all y \in V.
Proof. Let Y' \subset Y be the reduction of Y. Set X' = Y' \times _ Y X and Z' = Y' \times _ Y Z. As Y' \to Y is a universal homeomorphism by Morphisms, Lemma 29.45.6 we see that it suffices to prove the lemma for Z' \subset X' \to Y'. Thus we may assume that Y is integral, see Properties, Lemma 28.3.4. By Morphisms, Proposition 29.27.1 there exists a nonempty affine open V \subset Y such that X_ V \to V and Z_ V \to V are flat and of finite presentation. We claim that V works. Pick y \in V. If Z_ y has a nonempty interior, then Z_ y contains a generic point \xi of an irreducible component of X_ y. Note that \eta \leadsto f(\xi ). Since Z_ V \to V is flat we can choose a specialization \xi ' \leadsto \xi , \xi ' \in Z with f(\xi ') = \eta , see Morphisms, Lemma 29.25.9. By Lemma 37.22.10 we see that
Hence some irreducible component of Z_\eta passing through \xi ' has dimension \dim _{\xi '}(X_\eta ) which contradicts the assumption that Z_\eta is nowhere dense in X_\eta and we win. \square
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