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110.37 Finite type, not finitely presented, flat at prime

Let k be a field. Consider the local ring A_0 = k[x, y]_{(x, y)}. Denote \mathfrak p_{0, n} = (y + x^ n + x^{2n + 1}). This is a prime ideal. Set

A = A_0[z_1, z_2, z_3, \ldots ]/(z_ n z_ m, z_ n(y + x^ n + x^{2n + 1}))

Note that A \to A_0 is a surjection whose kernel is an ideal of square zero. Hence A is also a local ring and the prime ideals of A are in one-to-one correspondence with the prime ideals of A_0. Denote \mathfrak p_ n the prime ideal of A corresponding to \mathfrak p_{0, n}. Observe that \mathfrak p_ n is the annihilator of z_ n in A. Let

C = A[z]/(xz^2 + z + y)[\frac{1}{2zx + 1}]

Note that A \to C is an étale ring map, see Algebra, Example 10.137.8. Let \mathfrak q \subset C be the maximal ideal generated by x, y, z and all z_ n. As A \to C is flat we see that the annihilator of z_ n in C is \mathfrak p_ nC. We compute

\begin{align*} C/\mathfrak p_ n C & = A_0[z]/(xz^2 + z + y, y + x^ n + x^{2n + 1})[1/(2zx + 1)] \\ & = k[x]_{(x)}[z]/(xz^2 + z - x^ n - x^{2n + 1})[1/(2zx + 1)] \\ & = k[x]_{(x)}[z]/(z - x^ n) \times k[x]_{(x)}[z]/(xz + x^{n + 1} + 1)[1/(2zx + 1)] \\ & = k[x]_{(x)} \times k(x) \end{align*}

because (z - x^ n)(xz + x^{n + 1} + 1) = xz^2 + z - x^ n - x^{2n + 1}. Hence we see that \mathfrak p_ nC = \mathfrak r_ n \cap \mathfrak q_ n with \mathfrak r_ n = \mathfrak p_ nC + (z - x^ n)C and \mathfrak q_ n = \mathfrak p_ nC + (xz + x^{n + 1} + 1)C. Since \mathfrak q_ n + \mathfrak r_ n = C we also get \mathfrak p_ nC = \mathfrak r_ n \mathfrak q_ n. It follows that \mathfrak q_ n is the annihilator of \xi _ n = (z - x^ n)z_ n. Observe that on the one hand \mathfrak r_ n \subset \mathfrak q, and on the other hand \mathfrak q_ n + \mathfrak q = C. This follows for example because \mathfrak q_ n is a maximal ideal of C distinct from \mathfrak q. Similarly we have \mathfrak q_ n + \mathfrak q_ m = C for n \not= m. At this point we let

B = \mathop{\mathrm{Im}}(C \longrightarrow C_{\mathfrak q})

We observe that the elements \xi _ n map to zero in B as xz + x^{n + 1} + 1 is not in \mathfrak q. Denote \mathfrak q' \subset B the image of \mathfrak q. By construction B is a finite type A-algebra, with B_{\mathfrak q'} \cong C_{\mathfrak q}. In particular we see that B_{\mathfrak q'} is flat over A.

We claim there does not exist an element g' \in B, g' \not\in \mathfrak q' such that B_{g'} is of finite presentation over A. We sketch a proof of this claim. Choose an element g \in C which maps to g' \in B. Consider the map C_ g \to B_{g'}. By Algebra, Lemma 10.6.3 we see that B_ g is finitely presented over A if and only if the kernel of C_ g \to B_{g'} is finitely generated. But the element g \in C is not contained in \mathfrak q, hence maps to a nonzero element of A_0[z]/(xz^2 + z + y). Hence g can only be contained in finitely many of the prime ideals \mathfrak q_ n, because the primes (y + x^ n + x^{2n + 1}, xz + x^{n + 1} + 1) are an infinite collection of codimension 1 points of the 2-dimensional irreducible Noetherian space \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(k[x, y, z]/(xz^2 + z + y)). The map

\bigoplus \nolimits _{g \not\in \mathfrak q_ n} C/\mathfrak q_ n \longrightarrow C_ g, \quad (c_ n) \longrightarrow \sum c_ n \xi _ n

is injective and its image is the kernel of C_ g \to B_{g'}. We omit the proof of this statement. (Hint: Write A = A_0 \oplus I as an A_0-module where I is the kernel of A \to A_0. Similarly, write C = C_0 \oplus IC. Write IC = \bigoplus Cz_ n \cong \bigoplus (C/\mathfrak r_ n \oplus C/\mathfrak q_ n) and study the effect of multiplication by g on the summands.) This concludes the sketch of the proof of the claim. This also proves that B_{g'} is not flat over A for any g' as above. Namely, if it were flat, then the annihilator of the image of z_ n in B_{g'} would be \mathfrak p_ nB_{g'}, and would not contain z - x^ n.

As a consequence we can answer (negatively) a question posed in [Part I, Remarques (3.4.7) (v), GruRay]. Here is a precise statement.

Lemma 110.37.1. There exists a local ring A, a finite type ring map A \to B and a prime \mathfrak q lying over \mathfrak m_ A such that B_{\mathfrak q} is flat over A, and for any element g \in B, g \not\in \mathfrak q the ring B_ g is neither finitely presented over A nor flat over A.

Proof. See discussion above. \square

Comments (1)

Comment #1153 by John on

The command \romannumeral does not seem to compile in the online version. This seems a global issue, not just of this tag. (I suspect you might already be aware of this, but just in case)

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