Lemma 110.8.1. There exists a ring R complete with respect to a principal ideal I and a principal ideal J such that R/J is not I-adically complete.
110.8 Noncomplete quotient
Let k be a field. Let
Note that in particular z_ iz_ jt = 0 in this ring. Any element f of R can be uniquely written as a finite sum
where each f_ i \in k[t, z_ i, w_ j] has no terms involving the products z_ it or z_ iw_ j. Moreover, if f is written in this way, then f \in (x^ n) if and only if f_ i = 0 for i < n. So x is a nonzerodivisor and \bigcap (x^ n) = 0. Let R^\wedge be the completion of R with respect to the ideal (x). Note that R^\wedge is (x)-adically complete, see Algebra, Lemma 10.96.3. By the above we see that an element of R^\wedge can be uniquely written as an infinite sum
where each f_ i \in k[t, z_ i, w_ j] has no terms involving the products z_ it or z_ iw_ j. Consider the element
i.e., we have f_ n = w_ n. Note that f \in (t , x^ n) for every n because x^ mw_ m \in (t) for all m. We claim that f \not\in (t). To prove this assume that tg = f where g = \sum g_ lx^ l in canonical form as above. Since tz_ iz_ j = 0 we may as well assume that none of the g_ l have terms involving the products z_ iz_ j. Examining the process to get tg in canonical form we see the following: Given any term c m of g_ l where c \in k and m is a monomial in t, z_ i, w_ j and we make the following replacement
if the monomial m does not involve any z_ i, then ctm is a term of f_ l, and
if the monomial m does involve a z_ i then it is equal to m = z_ i and we see that cw_ i is term of f_{l + i}.
Since g_0 is a polynomial only finitely many of the variables z_ i occur in it. Pick n such that z_ n does not occur in g_0. Then the rules above show that w_ n does not occur in f_ n which is a contradiction. It follows that R^\wedge /(t) is not complete, see Algebra, Lemma 10.96.10.
Proof. See discussion above. \square
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