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110.57 Sheaves and specializations

In the following we fix a big étale site \mathit{Sch}_{\acute{e}tale} as constructed in Topologies, Definition 34.4.6. Moreover, a scheme will be an object of this site. Recall that if x, x' are points of a scheme X we say x is a specialization of x' or we write x' \leadsto x if x \in \overline{\{ x'\} }. This is true in particular if x = x'.

Consider the functor F : \mathit{Sch}_{\acute{e}tale}\to \textit{Ab} defined by the following rules:

F(X) = \prod \nolimits _{x \in X} \prod \nolimits _{x' \in X, x' \leadsto x, x' \not= x} \mathbf{Z}/2\mathbf{Z}

Given a scheme X we denote |X| the underlying set of points. An element a \in F(X) will be viewed as a map of sets |X| \times |X| \to \mathbf{Z}/2\mathbf{Z}, (x, x') \mapsto a(x, x') which is zero if x = x' or if x is not a specialization of x'. Given a morphism of schemes f : X \to Y we define

F(f) : F(Y) \longrightarrow F(X)

by the rule that for b \in F(Y) we set

F(f)(b)(x, x') = \left\{ \begin{matrix} 0 & \text{if }x\text{ is not a specialization of }x' \\ b(f(x), f(x')) & \text{else.} \end{matrix} \right.

Note that this really does define an element of F(X). We claim that if f : X \to Y and g : Y \to Z are composable morphisms then F(f) \circ F(g) = F(g \circ f). Namely, let c \in F(Z) and let x' \leadsto x be a specialization of points in X, then

F(g \circ f)(x, x') = c(g(f(x)), g(f(x'))) = F(g)(F(f)(c))(x, x')

because f(x') \leadsto f(x). (This also works if f(x) = f(x').)

Let G be the sheafification of F in the étale topology.

I claim that if X is a scheme and x' \leadsto x is a specialization and x' \not= x, then G(X) \not= 0. Namely, let a \in F(X) be an element such that when we think of a as a function |X| \times |X| \to \mathbf{Z}/2\mathbf{Z} it is nonzero at (x, x'). Let \{ f_ i : U_ i \to X\} be an étale covering of X. Then we can pick an i and a point u_ i \in U_ i with f_ i(u_ i) = x. Since generalizations lift along flat morphisms (see Morphisms, Lemma 29.25.9) we can find a specialization u'_ i \leadsto u_ i with f_ i(u'_ i) = x'. By our construction above we see that F(f_ i)(a) \not= 0. Hence a determines a nonzero element of G(X).

Note that if X = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(k) where k is a field (or more generally a ring all of whose prime ideals are maximal), then F(X) = 0 and for every étale morphism U \to X we have F(U) = 0 because there are no specializations between distinct points in fibres of an étale morphism. Hence G(X) = 0.

Suppose that X \subset X' is a thickening, see More on Morphisms, Definition 37.2.1. Then the category of schemes étale over X' is equivalent to the category of schemes étale over X by the base change functor U' \mapsto U = U' \times _{X'} X, see Étale Cohomology, Theorem 59.45.2. Since it is always the case that F(U) = F(U') in this situation we see that also G(X) = G(X').

As a variant we can consider the presheaf F_ n which associates to a scheme X the collection of maps a : |X|^{n + 1} \to \mathbf{Z}/2\mathbf{Z} where a(x_0, \ldots , x_ n) is nonzero only if x_ n \leadsto \ldots \leadsto x_0 is a sequence of specializations and x_ n \not= x_{n - 1} \not= \ldots \not= x_0. Let G_ n be the sheaf associated to F_ n. In exactly the same way as above one shows that G_ n is nonzero if \dim (X) \geq n and is zero if \dim (X) < n.

Lemma 110.57.1. There exists a sheaf of abelian groups G on \mathit{Sch}_{\acute{e}tale} with the following properties

  1. G(X) = 0 whenever \dim (X) < n,

  2. G(X) is not zero if \dim (X) \geq n, and

  3. if X \subset X' is a thickening, then G(X) = G(X').

Proof. See the discussion above. \square

Remark 110.57.2. Here are some remarks:

  1. The presheaves F and F_ n are separated presheaves.

  2. It turns out that F, F_ n are not sheaves.

  3. One can show that G, G_ n is actually a sheaf for the fppf topology.

We will prove these results if we need them.

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