Lemma 97.12.7. Let F : \mathcal{X} \to \mathcal{Y} be a 1-morphism of stacks in groupoids over (\mathit{Sch}/S)_{fppf}. Assume F is representable by algebraic spaces and locally of finite presentation. Then
is limit preserving on objects.
Lemma 97.12.7. Let F : \mathcal{X} \to \mathcal{Y} be a 1-morphism of stacks in groupoids over (\mathit{Sch}/S)_{fppf}. Assume F is representable by algebraic spaces and locally of finite presentation. Then
is limit preserving on objects.
Proof. This means we have to show the following: Given
an affine scheme U = \mathop{\mathrm{lim}}\nolimits _ i U_ i which is written as the directed limit of affine schemes U_ i over S,
an object y_ i of \mathcal{Y} over U_ i for some i, and
an object \Xi = (U, Z, y, x, \alpha ) of \mathcal{H}_ d(\mathcal{X}/\mathcal{Y}) over U such that y = y_ i|_ U,
then there exists an i' \geq i and an object \Xi _{i'} = (U_{i'}, Z_{i'}, y_{i'}, x_{i'}, \alpha _{i'}) of \mathcal{H}_ d(\mathcal{X}/\mathcal{Y}) over U_{i'} with \Xi _{i'}|_ U = \Xi and y_{i'} = y_ i|_{U_{i'}}. Namely, the last two equalities will take care of the commutativity of (
Let X_{y_ i} \to U_ i be an algebraic space representing the 2-fibre product
Note that X_{y_ i} \to U_ i is locally of finite presentation by our assumption on F. Write \Xi . It is clear that \xi = (Z, Z \to U_ i, x, \alpha ) is an object of the 2-fibre product displayed above, hence \xi gives rise to a morphism f_\xi : Z \to X_{y_ i} of algebraic spaces over U_ i (since X_{y_ i} is the functor of isomorphisms classes of objects of (\mathit{Sch}/U_ i)_{fppf} \times _{y, \mathcal{Y}, F} \mathcal{X}, see Algebraic Stacks, Lemma 94.8.2). By Limits, Lemmas 32.10.1 and 32.8.8 there exists an i' \geq i and a finite locally free morphism Z_{i'} \to U_{i'} of degree d whose base change to U is Z. By Limits of Spaces, Proposition 70.3.10 we may, after replacing i' by a bigger index, assume there exists a morphism f_{i'} : Z_{i'} \to X_{y_ i} such that
is commutative. We set \Xi _{i'} = (U_{i'}, Z_{i'}, y_{i'}, x_{i'}, \alpha _{i'}) where
y_{i'} is the object of \mathcal{Y} over U_{i'} which is the pullback of y_ i to U_{i'},
x_{i'} is the object of \mathcal{X} over Z_{i'} corresponding via the 2-Yoneda lemma to the 1-morphism
where the middle arrow is the equivalence which defines X_{y_ i} (notation as in Algebraic Stacks, Sections 94.8 and 94.7).
\alpha _{i'} : y_{i'}|_{Z_{i'}} \to F(x_{i'}) is the isomorphism coming from the 2-commutativity of the diagram
Recall that f_\xi : Z \to X_{y_ i} was the morphism corresponding to the object \xi = (Z, Z \to U_ i, x, \alpha ) of (\mathit{Sch}/U_ i)_{fppf} \times _{y_ i, \mathcal{Y}, F} \mathcal{X} over Z. By construction f_{i'} is the morphism corresponding to the object \xi _{i'} = (Z_{i'}, Z_{i'} \to U_ i, x_{i'}, \alpha _{i'}). As f_\xi = f_{i'} \circ (Z \to Z_{i'}) we see that the object \xi _{i'} = (Z_{i'}, Z_{i'} \to U_ i, x_{i'}, \alpha _{i'}) pulls back to \xi over Z. Thus x_{i'} pulls back to x and \alpha _{i'} pulls back to \alpha . This means that \Xi _{i'} pulls back to \Xi over U and we win. \square
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