Lemma 90.10.4. Let \mathcal{F} be a category cofibred in groupoids over \mathcal{C}_\Lambda . If \mathcal{F} satisfies (S2), then the condition of (S2) also holds when k[\epsilon ] is replaced by k[V] for any finite dimensional k-vector space V.
Proof. In the case that \mathcal{F} is cofibred in sets, i.e., corresponds to a functor F : \mathcal{C}_\Lambda \to \textit{Sets} this follows from the description of (S2) for F in Remark 90.10.3 and the fact that k[V] \cong k[\epsilon ] \times _ k \ldots \times _ k k[\epsilon ] with \dim _ k V factors. The case of functors is what we will use in the rest of this chapter.
We prove the general case by induction on \dim (V). If \dim (V) = 1, then k[V] \cong k[\epsilon ] and the result holds by assumption. If \dim (V) > 1 we write V = V' \oplus k\epsilon . Pick a diagram
Choose a morphism x_ V \to x_{V'} lying over k[V] \to k[V'] and a morphism x_ V \to x_\epsilon lying over k[V] \to k[\epsilon ]. Note that the morphism x_ V \to x_0 factors as x_ V \to x_{V'} \to x_0 and as x_ V \to x_\epsilon \to x_0. By induction hypothesis we can find a diagram
This gives us a commutative diagram
Hence by (S2) we get a commutative diagram
Note that (A \times _ k k[V']) \times _ k k[\epsilon ] = A \times _ k k[V' \oplus k\epsilon ] = A \times _ k k[V]. We claim that y fits into the correct commutative diagram. To see this we let y \to y_ V be a morphism lying over A \times _ k k[V] \to k[V]. We can factor the morphisms y \to y' \to x_{V'} and y \to x_\epsilon through the morphism y \to y_ V (by the axioms of categories cofibred in groupoids). Hence we see that both y_ V and x_ V fit into commutative diagrams
and hence by the second part of (S2) there exists an isomorphism y_ V \to x_ V compatible with y_ V \to x_{V'} and x_ V \to x_{V'} and in particular compatible with the maps to x_0. The composition y \to y_ V \to x_ V then fits into the required commutative diagram
In this way we see that the first part of (S2) holds with k[\epsilon ] replaced by k[V].
To prove the second part suppose given two commutative diagrams
We will use the morphisms x_ V \to x_{V'} \to x_0 and x_ V \to x_\epsilon \to x_0 introduced in the first paragraph of the proof. Choose morphisms y \to y_{V'} and y' \to y'_{V'} lying over A \times _ k k[V] \to A \times _ k k[V']. The axioms of a cofibred category imply we can find commutative diagrams
By induction hypothesis we obtain an isomorphism b : y_{V'} \to y'_{V'} compatible with the morphisms y_{V'} \to x and y'_{V'} \to x, in particular compatible with the morphisms to x_0. Then we have commutative diagrams
where the morphism y \to y'_{V'} is the composition y \to y_{V'} \xrightarrow {b} y'_{V'} and where the morphisms y \to x_\epsilon and y' \to x_\epsilon are the compositions of the maps y \to x_ V and y' \to x_ V with the morphism x_ V \to x_\epsilon . Then the second part of (S2) guarantees the existence of an isomorphism y \to y' compatible with the maps to y'_{V'}, in particular compatible with the maps to x (because b was compatible with the maps to x). \square
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