Lemma 90.27.4. Let (U, R, s, t, c) be a minimal smooth prorepresentable groupoid in functors on \mathcal{C}_\Lambda . If \varphi : [U/R] \to [U/R] is an equivalence of categories cofibered in groupoids, then \varphi is an isomorphism.
Proof. A morphism \varphi : [U/R] \to [U/R] is the same thing as a morphism \varphi : (U, R, s, t, c) \to (U, R, s, t, c) of groupoids in functors over \mathcal{C}_\Lambda as defined in Definition 90.21.1. Denote \phi : U \to U and \psi : R \to R the corresponding morphisms. Because the diagram
is commutative, since d\varphi is bijective, and since we have the characterization of minimality in Lemma 90.27.2 we conclude that d\phi is injective (hence bijective by dimension reasons). Thus \phi : U \to U is an isomorphism by Lemma 90.27.3. We can use a similar argument, using the exact sequence
of Lemma 90.26.2 to prove that \psi : R \to R is an isomorphism. But is also a consequence of the fact that R = U \times _{[U/R]} U and that \varphi and \phi are isomorphisms. \square
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