Lemma 90.13.3. Let \mathcal{F} be a category cofibred in groupoids over \mathcal{C}_\Lambda which has (S1). Let B \to A be a surjection in \mathcal{C}_\Lambda with kernel I annihilated by \mathfrak m_ B. Let x \in \mathcal{F}(A). The set of ideals
\mathcal{J} = \{ J \subset I \mid \text{there exists an }y \to x\text{ lying over }B/J \to A\}
has a smallest element.
Note that \mathcal{J} is nonempty as I \in \mathcal{J}. Also, if J \in \mathcal{J} and J \subset J' \subset I then J' \in \mathcal{J} because we can pushforward the object y to an object y' over B/J'. Let J and K be elements of the displayed set. We claim that J \cap K \in \mathcal{J} which will prove the lemma. Since I is a k-vector space we can find an ideal J \subset J' \subset I such that J \cap K = J' \cap K and such that J' + K = I. By the above we may replace J by J' and assume that J + K = I. In this case
A/(J \cap K) = A/J \times _{A/I} A/K.
Hence the existence of an element z \in \mathcal{F}(A/(J \cap K)) mapping to x follows, via (S1), from the existence of the elements we have assumed exist over A/J and A/K.
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