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Lemma 90.14.2. Let \mathcal{F} be a category cofibred in groupoids over \mathcal{C}_\Lambda which has (S1). Let \xi be a versal formal object of \mathcal{F} lying over R. There exists a morphism \xi ' \to \xi lying over R' \subset R with the following minimality properties

  1. for every f : R \to A with A \in \mathop{\mathrm{Ob}}\nolimits (\mathcal{C}_\Lambda ) the pushforwards

    \vcenter { \xymatrix{ \xi ' \ar[d] \ar[r] & x' \ar[d] \\ \xi \ar[r] & x } } \quad \text{lying over}\quad \vcenter { \xymatrix{ R' \ar[d] \ar[r] & f(R') \ar[d] \\ R \ar[r] & A } }

    produce a minimal object x' \to x of \mathcal{S}_ x, and

  2. for any morphism of formal objects \xi '' \to \xi ' the corresponding morphism R'' \to R' is surjective.

Proof. Write \xi = (R, \xi _ n, f_ n). Set R'_1 = k and \xi '_1 = \xi _1. Suppose that we have constructed minimal objects \xi '_ m \to \xi _ m of \mathcal{S}_{\xi _ m} lying over R'_ m \subset R/\mathfrak m_ R^ m for m \leq n and morphisms f'_ m : \xi '_{m + 1} \to \xi '_ m compatible with f_ m for m \leq n - 1. By Lemma 90.14.1 (2) there exists a minimal object \xi '_{n + 1} \to \xi _{n + 1} lying over R'_{n + 1} \subset R/\mathfrak m_ R^{n + 1} whose image is \xi '_ n \to \xi _ n over R'_ n \subset R/\mathfrak m_ R^ n. This produces the commutative diagram

\xymatrix{ \xi '_{n + 1} \ar[r]_{f'_ n} \ar[d] & \xi '_ n \ar[d] \\ \xi _{n + 1} \ar[r]^{f_ n} & \xi _ n }

by construction. Moreover the ring map R'_{n + 1} \to R'_ n is surjective. Set R' = \mathop{\mathrm{lim}}\nolimits _ n R'_ n. Then R' \to R is injective.

However, it isn't a priori clear that R' is Noetherian. To prove this we use that \xi is versal. Namely, versality implies that there exists a morphism \xi \to \xi '_ n in \widehat{\mathcal{F}}, see Lemma 90.8.11. The corresponding map R \to R'_ n has to be surjective (as \xi '_ n \to \xi _ n is minimal in \mathcal{S}_{\xi _ n}). Thus the dimensions of the cotangent spaces are bounded and Lemma 90.4.8 implies R' is Noetherian, i.e., an object of \widehat{\mathcal{C}}_\Lambda . By Lemma 90.7.4 (plus the result on filtrations of Lemma 90.4.8) the sequence of elements \xi '_ n defines a formal object \xi ' over R' and we have a map \xi ' \to \xi .

By construction (1) holds for R \to R/\mathfrak m_ R^ n for each n. Since each R \to A as in (1) factors through R \to R/\mathfrak m_ R^ n \to A we see that (1) for x' \to x over f(R) \subset A follows from the minimality of \xi '_ n \to \xi _ n over R'_ n \to R/\mathfrak m_ R^ n by Lemma 90.14.1 (1).

If R'' \to R' as in (2) is not surjective, then R'' \to R' \to R'_ n would not be surjective for some n and \xi '_ n \to \xi _ n wouldn't be minimal, a contradiction. This contradiction proves (2). \square

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