Lemma 66.34.1. Let S be a scheme. Let X be an algebraic space over S. Let G be an abstract group with a free action on X. Then the quotient sheaf X/G is an algebraic space.
66.34 Quotients by free actions
Let S be a scheme. Let X be an algebraic space over S. Let G be an abstract group. Let a : G \to \text{Aut}(X) be a homomorphism, i.e., a is an action of G on X. We will say the action is free if for every scheme T over S the map
is free. (We cannot use a criterion as in Spaces, Lemma 65.14.3 because points may not have well defined residue fields.) In case the action is free we're going to construct the quotient X/G as an algebraic space. This is a special case of the general Bootstrap, Lemma 80.11.7 that we will prove later.
Proof. The statement means that the sheaf F associated to the presheaf
is an algebraic space. To see this we will construct a presentation. Namely, choose a scheme U and a surjective étale morphism \varphi : U \to X. Set V = \coprod _{g \in G} U and set \psi : V \to X equal to a(g) \circ \varphi on the component corresponding to g \in G. Let G act on V by permuting the components, i.e., g_0 \in G maps the component corresponding to g to the component corresponding to g_0g via the identity morphism of U. Then \psi is a G-equivariant morphism, i.e., we reduce to the case dealt with in the next paragraph.
Assume that there exists a G-action on U and that U \to X is surjective, étale and G-equivariant. In this case there is an induced action of G on R = U \times _ X U compatible with the projection mappings t, s : R \to U. Now we claim that
where the map
is given by (r, g) \mapsto (t(r), g(s(r))). Note that j is a monomorphism: If (t(r), g(s(r))) = (t(r'), g'(s(r'))), then t(r) = t(r'), hence r and r' have the same image in X under both s and t, hence g = g' (as G acts freely on X), hence s(r) = s(r'), hence r = r' (as R is an equivalence relation on U). Moreover j is an equivalence relation (details omitted). Both projections \coprod \nolimits _{g \in G} R \to U are étale, as s and t are étale. Thus j is an étale equivalence relation and U/\coprod \nolimits _{g \in G} R is an algebraic space by Spaces, Theorem 65.10.5. There is a map
induced by the map U \to X. We omit the proof that it is an isomorphism of sheaves. \square
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