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Lemma 15.9.10. Let A be a ring, let I \subset A be an ideal. Let A \to B be an integral ring map. Let \overline{e} \in B/IB be an idempotent. Then there exists an étale ring map A \to A' which induces an isomorphism A/I \to A'/IA' and an idempotent e' \in B \otimes _ A A' lifting \overline{e}.

Proof. Choose an element y \in B lifting \overline{e}. Choose f \in A[x] as in Lemma 15.9.9 for y. By Lemma 15.9.6 we can find an étale ring map A \to A' which induces an isomorphism A/I \to A'/IA' and such that f = gh in A[x] with g(x) = x^ d \bmod IA' and h(x) = (x - 1)^ d \bmod IA'. After replacing A by A' we may assume that the factorization is defined over A. In that case we see that b_1 = g(y) \in B is a lift of \overline{e}^ d = \overline{e} and b_2 = h(y) \in B is a lift of (\overline{e} - 1)^ d = (-1)^ d (1 - \overline{e})^ d = (-1)^ d(1 - \overline{e}) and moreover b_1b_2 = 0. Thus (b_1, b_2)B/IB = B/IB and V(b_1, b_2) \subset \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(B) is disjoint from V(IB). Since \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(B) \to \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A) is closed (see Algebra, Lemmas 10.36.22 and 10.41.6) we can find an a \in A which maps to an invertible element of A/I whose image in B lies in (b_1, b_2), see Lemma 15.9.8. After replacing A by the localization A_ a we get that (b_1, b_2) = B. Then \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(B) = D(b_1) \amalg D(b_2); disjoint union because b_1b_2 = 0 and covers \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(B) because (b_1, b_2) = B. Let e \in B be the idempotent corresponding to the open and closed subset D(b_1), see Algebra, Lemma 10.21.3. Since b_1 is a lift of \overline{e} and b_2 is a lift of \pm (1 - \overline{e}) we conclude that e is a lift of \overline{e} by the uniqueness statement in Algebra, Lemma 10.21.3. \square

Comments (6)

Comment #3633 by Brian Conrad on

"disjoint union because " should say "disjoint union because , and covers because ".

Comment #5462 by Anonymous on

I do believe proof should instead say something like " and form a disjoint union because and cover because "

Comment #5678 by on

Dear Anonymous, what are you exactly saying?

Comment #5776 by Anonymous on

Dear Johan,

I was referring to the following sentence which currently appears in the proof.

"Then ; disjoint union because and covers because ."

I am saying that I believe the two justifications for "disjoint union" and "covers" in the above sentence should be swapped. That is, the sets and cover because , and the sets and are disjoint because . This seems to be the opposite of what's currently written in the proof.

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