Proposition 15.50.10. Let R be a G-ring. If R \to S is essentially of finite type then S is a G-ring.
Proof. Since being a G-ring is a property of the local rings it is clear that a localization of a G-ring is a G-ring. Conversely, if every localization at a prime is a G-ring, then the ring is a G-ring. Thus it suffices to show that S_\mathfrak q is a G-ring for every finite type R-algebra S and every prime \mathfrak q of S. Writing S as a quotient of R[x_1, \ldots , x_ n] we see from Lemma 15.50.3 that it suffices to prove that R[x_1, \ldots , x_ n] is a G-ring. By induction on n it suffices to prove that R[x] is a G-ring. Let \mathfrak q \subset R[x] be a maximal ideal. By Lemma 15.50.7 it suffices to show that
is regular. If \mathfrak q lies over \mathfrak p \subset R, then we may replace R by R_\mathfrak p. Hence we may assume that R is a Noetherian local G-ring with maximal ideal \mathfrak m and that \mathfrak q \subset R[x] lies over \mathfrak m. Note that there is a unique prime \mathfrak q' \subset R^\wedge [x] lying over \mathfrak q. Consider the diagram
Since R is a G-ring the lower horizontal arrow is regular (as a localization of a base change of the regular ring map R \to R^\wedge ). Suppose we can prove the right vertical arrow is regular. Then it follows that the composition R[x]_\mathfrak q \to (R^\wedge [x]_{\mathfrak q'})^\wedge is regular, and hence the left vertical arrow is regular by Lemma 15.41.7. Hence we see that we may assume R is a Noetherian complete local ring and \mathfrak q a prime lying over the maximal ideal of R.
Let R be a Noetherian complete local ring and let \mathfrak q \subset R[x] be a maximal ideal lying over the maximal ideal of R. Let \mathfrak r \subset \mathfrak q be a prime ideal. We want to show that R[x]_\mathfrak q^\wedge \otimes _{R[x]} \kappa (\mathfrak r) is a geometrically regular algebra over \kappa (\mathfrak r). Set \mathfrak p = R \cap \mathfrak r. Then we can replace R by R/\mathfrak p and \mathfrak q and \mathfrak r by their images in R/\mathfrak p[x], see Lemma 15.50.2. Hence we may assume that R is a domain and that \mathfrak r \cap R = (0).
By Algebra, Lemma 10.160.11 we can find R_0 \subset R which is regular and such that R is finite over R_0. Applying Lemma 15.50.3 we see that it suffices to prove R[x]_\mathfrak q^\wedge \otimes _{R[x]} \kappa (\mathfrak r) is geometrically regular over \kappa (r) when, in addition to the above, R is a regular complete local ring.
Now R is a regular complete local ring, we have \mathfrak q \subset \mathfrak r \subset R[x], we have (0) = R \cap \mathfrak r and \mathfrak q is a maximal ideal lying over the maximal ideal of R. Since R is regular the ring R[x] is regular (Algebra, Lemma 10.163.10). Hence the localization R[x]_\mathfrak q is regular. Hence the completions R[x]_\mathfrak q^\wedge are regular, see Lemma 15.43.4. Hence the fibre R[x]_{\mathfrak q}^\wedge \otimes _{R[x]} \kappa (\mathfrak r) is, as a localization of R[x]_\mathfrak q^\wedge , also regular. Thus we are done if the characteristic of the fraction field of R is 0.
If the characteristic of R is positive, then R = k[[x_1, \ldots , x_ n]]. In this case we split the argument in two subcases:
The case \mathfrak r = (0). The result is a direct consequence of Lemma 15.50.5.
The case \mathfrak r \not= (0). This is Lemma 15.50.9.
Comments (2)
Comment #1405 by Matthew Emerton on
Comment #1406 by sdf on