History of tag 08LH
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type |
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changed the statement
2013-08-03 |
7f2ba8c |
Spell check: words starting with h, i, j, k, l, m, H, I, J, K, L, and M
assigned tag 08LH
2013-02-16 |
Tags: Added new tags
changed the statement and the proof
2013-02-16 |
f20ff49 |
Convert notation from schemes to ringed spaces, part 2
Now it should be easy to convert this to ringed topoi
moved the statement to file defos.tex
2013-02-15 |
b1c0da0 |
Move two sections to new chapter
These need to be edited to work in the setting of ringed spaces
changed the statement
2013-02-08 |
1b9ff07 |
Remove quasi-coherence conditions
changed the label to lemma-inf-map-special
2013-02-07 |
0d0faca |
Infintesimal deformations and obstructions modules flat over base
changed the statement
2013-02-07 |
0d0faca |
Infintesimal deformations and obstructions modules flat over base
created statement with label lemma-inf-aut in more-morphisms.tex
2013-02-07 |
b789ebd |
Start deformation theory modules
Should probably move this theory to a chapter dealing with modules on
arbitrary ringed spaces...