Lemma 91.5.1. Let i : (X, \mathcal{O}_ X) \to (X', \mathcal{O}_{X'}) be a first order thickening of ringed spaces. Let \mathcal{F}', \mathcal{G}' be \mathcal{O}_{X'}-modules. Set \mathcal{F} = i^*\mathcal{F}' and \mathcal{G} = i^*\mathcal{G}'. Let \varphi : \mathcal{F} \to \mathcal{G} be an \mathcal{O}_ X-linear map. The set of lifts of \varphi to an \mathcal{O}_{X'}-linear map \varphi ' : \mathcal{F}' \to \mathcal{G}' is, if nonempty, a principal homogeneous space under \mathop{\mathrm{Hom}}\nolimits _{\mathcal{O}_ X}(\mathcal{F}, \mathcal{I}\mathcal{G}').
91.5 Infinitesimal deformations of modules on ringed spaces
Let i : (X, \mathcal{O}_ X) \to (X', \mathcal{O}_{X'}) be a first order thickening of ringed spaces. We freely use the notation introduced in Section 91.3. Let \mathcal{F}' be an \mathcal{O}_{X'}-module and set \mathcal{F} = i^*\mathcal{F}'. In this situation we have a short exact sequence
of \mathcal{O}_{X'}-modules. Since \mathcal{I}^2 = 0 the \mathcal{O}_{X'}-module structure on \mathcal{I}\mathcal{F}' comes from a unique \mathcal{O}_ X-module structure. Thus the sequence above is an extension as in ( As a special case, if \mathcal{F}' = \mathcal{O}_{X'} we have i^*\mathcal{O}_{X'} = \mathcal{O}_ X and \mathcal{I}\mathcal{O}_{X'} = \mathcal{I} and we recover the sequence of structure sheaves
Proof. This is a special case of Lemma 91.4.1 but we also give a direct proof. We have short exact sequences of modules
and similarly for \mathcal{F}'. Since \mathcal{I} has square zero the \mathcal{O}_{X'}-module structure on \mathcal{I} and \mathcal{I}\mathcal{G}' comes from a unique \mathcal{O}_ X-module structure. It follows that
The lemma now follows from the exact sequence
see Homology, Lemma 12.5.8. \square
Lemma 91.5.2. Let (f, f') be a morphism of first order thickenings of ringed spaces as in Situation 91.3.1. Let \mathcal{F}' be an \mathcal{O}_{X'}-module and set \mathcal{F} = i^*\mathcal{F}'. Assume that \mathcal{F} is flat over S and that (f, f') is a strict morphism of thickenings (Definition 91.3.2). Then the following are equivalent
\mathcal{F}' is flat over S', and
the canonical map f^*\mathcal{J} \otimes _{\mathcal{O}_ X} \mathcal{F} \to \mathcal{I}\mathcal{F}' is an isomorphism.
Moreover, in this case the maps
are isomorphisms.
Proof. The map f^*\mathcal{J} \to \mathcal{I} is surjective as (f, f') is a strict morphism of thickenings. Hence the final statement is a consequence of (2).
Proof of the equivalence of (1) and (2). We may check these conditions at stalks. Let x \in X \subset X' be a point with image s = f(x) \in S \subset S'. Set A' = \mathcal{O}_{S', s}, B' = \mathcal{O}_{X', x}, A = \mathcal{O}_{S, s}, and B = \mathcal{O}_{X, x}. Then A = A'/J and B = B'/I for some square zero ideals. Since (f, f') is a strict morphism of thickenings we have I = JB'. Let M' = \mathcal{F}'_ x and M = \mathcal{F}_ x. Then M' is a B'-module and M is a B-module. Since \mathcal{F} = i^*\mathcal{F}' we see that the kernel of the surjection M' \to M is IM' = JM'. Thus we have a short exact sequence
Using Sheaves, Lemma 6.26.4 and Modules, Lemma 17.16.1 to identify stalks of pullbacks and tensor products we see that the stalk at x of the canonical map of the lemma is the map
The assumption that \mathcal{F} is flat over S signifies that M is a flat A-module.
Assume (1). Flatness implies \text{Tor}_1^{A'}(M', A) = 0 by Algebra, Lemma 10.75.8. This means J \otimes _{A'} M' \to M' is injective by Algebra, Remark 10.75.9. Hence J \otimes _ A M \to JM' is an isomorphism.
Assume (2). Then J \otimes _{A'} M' \to M' is injective. Hence \text{Tor}_1^{A'}(M', A) = 0 by Algebra, Remark 10.75.9. Hence M' is flat over A' by Algebra, Lemma 10.99.8. \square
Lemma 91.5.3. Let (f, f') be a morphism of first order thickenings as in Situation 91.3.1. Let \mathcal{F}', \mathcal{G}' be \mathcal{O}_{X'}-modules and set \mathcal{F} = i^*\mathcal{F}' and \mathcal{G} = i^*\mathcal{G}'. Let \varphi : \mathcal{F} \to \mathcal{G} be an \mathcal{O}_ X-linear map. Assume that \mathcal{G}' is flat over S' and that (f, f') is a strict morphism of thickenings. The set of lifts of \varphi to an \mathcal{O}_{X'}-linear map \varphi ' : \mathcal{F}' \to \mathcal{G}' is, if nonempty, a principal homogeneous space under
Lemma 91.5.4. Let i : (X, \mathcal{O}_ X) \to (X', \mathcal{O}_{X'}) be a first order thickening of ringed spaces. Let \mathcal{F}', \mathcal{G}' be \mathcal{O}_{X'}-modules and set \mathcal{F} = i^*\mathcal{F}' and \mathcal{G} = i^*\mathcal{G}'. Let \varphi : \mathcal{F} \to \mathcal{G} be an \mathcal{O}_ X-linear map. There exists an element
whose vanishing is a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a lift of \varphi to an \mathcal{O}_{X'}-linear map \varphi ' : \mathcal{F}' \to \mathcal{G}'.
Proof. It is clear from the proof of Lemma 91.5.1 that the vanishing of the boundary of \varphi via the map
is a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a lift. We conclude as
the adjointness of i_* = Ri_* and Li^* on the derived category (Cohomology, Lemma 20.28.1). \square
Lemma 91.5.5. Let (f, f') be a morphism of first order thickenings as in Situation 91.3.1. Let \mathcal{F}', \mathcal{G}' be \mathcal{O}_{X'}-modules and set \mathcal{F} = i^*\mathcal{F}' and \mathcal{G} = i^*\mathcal{G}'. Let \varphi : \mathcal{F} \to \mathcal{G} be an \mathcal{O}_ X-linear map. Assume that \mathcal{F}' and \mathcal{G}' are flat over S' and that (f, f') is a strict morphism of thickenings. There exists an element
whose vanishing is a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a lift of \varphi to an \mathcal{O}_{X'}-linear map \varphi ' : \mathcal{F}' \to \mathcal{G}'.
First proof. This follows from Lemma 91.5.4 as we claim that under the assumptions of the lemma we have
Namely, we have \mathcal{I}\mathcal{G}' = \mathcal{G} \otimes _{\mathcal{O}_ X} f^*\mathcal{J} by Lemma 91.5.2. On the other hand, observe that
(local computation omitted). Using the short exact sequence
we see that this \text{Tor}_1 is computed by the kernel of the map \mathcal{I} \otimes _{\mathcal{O}_ X} \mathcal{F} \to \mathcal{I}\mathcal{F}' which is zero by the final assertion of Lemma 91.5.2. Thus \tau _{\geq -1}Li^*\mathcal{F}' = \mathcal{F}. On the other hand, we have
by the dual of Derived Categories, Lemma 13.16.1. \square
Second proof. We can apply Lemma 91.4.2 as follows. Note that \mathcal{K} = \mathcal{I} \otimes _{\mathcal{O}_ X} \mathcal{F} and \mathcal{L} = \mathcal{I} \otimes _{\mathcal{O}_ X} \mathcal{G} by Lemma 91.5.2, that c_{\mathcal{F}'} = 1 \otimes 1 and c_{\mathcal{G}'} = 1 \otimes 1 and taking \psi = 1 \otimes \varphi the diagram of the lemma commutes. Thus o(\varphi ) = o(\varphi , 1 \otimes \varphi ) works. \square
Lemma 91.5.6. Let (f, f') be a morphism of first order thickenings as in Situation 91.3.1. Let \mathcal{F} be an \mathcal{O}_ X-module. Assume (f, f') is a strict morphism of thickenings and \mathcal{F} flat over S. If there exists a pair (\mathcal{F}', \alpha ) consisting of an \mathcal{O}_{X'}-module \mathcal{F}' flat over S' and an isomorphism \alpha : i^*\mathcal{F}' \to \mathcal{F}, then the set of isomorphism classes of such pairs is principal homogeneous under \mathop{\mathrm{Ext}}\nolimits ^1_{\mathcal{O}_ X}( \mathcal{F}, \mathcal{I} \otimes _{\mathcal{O}_ X} \mathcal{F}).
Proof. If we assume there exists one such module, then the canonical map
is an isomorphism by Lemma 91.5.2. Apply Lemma 91.4.3 with \mathcal{K} = \mathcal{I} \otimes _{\mathcal{O}_ X} \mathcal{F} and c = 1. By Lemma 91.5.2 the corresponding extensions \mathcal{F}' are all flat over S'. \square
Lemma 91.5.7. Let (f, f') be a morphism of first order thickenings as in Situation 91.3.1. Let \mathcal{F} be an \mathcal{O}_ X-module. Assume (f, f') is a strict morphism of thickenings and \mathcal{F} flat over S. There exists an \mathcal{O}_{X'}-module \mathcal{F}' flat over S' with i^*\mathcal{F}' \cong \mathcal{F}, if and only if
the canonical map f^*\mathcal{J} \otimes _{\mathcal{O}_ X} \mathcal{F} \to \mathcal{I} \otimes _{\mathcal{O}_ X} \mathcal{F} is an isomorphism, and
the class o(\mathcal{F}, \mathcal{I} \otimes _{\mathcal{O}_ X} \mathcal{F}, 1) \in \mathop{\mathrm{Ext}}\nolimits ^2_{\mathcal{O}_ X}( \mathcal{F}, \mathcal{I} \otimes _{\mathcal{O}_ X} \mathcal{F}) of Lemma 91.4.4 is zero.
Proof. This follows immediately from the characterization of \mathcal{O}_{X'}-modules flat over S' of Lemma 91.5.2 and Lemma 91.4.4. \square
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