115.19 Variants of cotangent complexes for schemes
This section gives an alternative construction of the cotangent complex of a morphism of schemes. This section is currently in the obsolete chapter as we can get by with the easier version discussed in Cotangent, Section 92.25 for applications.
Let f : X \to Y be a morphism of schemes. Let \mathcal{C}_{X/Y} be the category whose objects are commutative diagrams
\begin{equation} \label{obsolete-equation-object} \vcenter { \xymatrix{ X \ar[d] & U \ar[l] \ar[d] \ar[r]_ i & A \ar[ld] \\ Y & V \ar[l] } } \end{equation}
of schemes where
U is an open subscheme of X,
V is an open subscheme of Y, and
there exists an isomorphism A = V \times \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(P) over V where P is a polynomial algebra over \mathbf{Z} (on some set of variables).
In other words, A is an (infinite dimensional) affine space over V. Morphisms are given by commutative diagrams.
Notation. An object of \mathcal{C}_{X/Y}, i.e., a diagram (, is often denoted U \to A where it is understood that (a) U is an open subscheme of X, (b) U \to A is a morphism over Y, (c) the image of the structure morphism A \to Y is an open V \subset Y, and (d) A \to V is an affine space. We'll write U \to A/V to indicate V \subset Y is the image of A \to Y. Recall that X_{Zar} denotes the small Zariski site X. There are forgetful functors
\mathcal{C}_{X/Y} \to X_{Zar},\ (U \to A) \mapsto U \quad \text{and}\quad \mathcal{C}_{X/Y} \mapsto Y_{Zar},\ (U \to A/V) \mapsto V.
Lemma 115.19.1. Let X \to Y be a morphism of schemes.
The category \mathcal{C}_{X/Y} is fibred over X_{Zar}.
The category \mathcal{C}_{X/Y} is fibred over Y_{Zar}.
The category \mathcal{C}_{X/Y} is fibred over the category of pairs (U, V) where U \subset X, V \subset Y are open and f(U) \subset V.
Ad (1). Given an object U \to A of \mathcal{C}_{X/Y} and a morphism U' \to U of X_{Zar} consider the object i' : U' \to A of \mathcal{C}_{X/Y} where i' is the composition of i and U' \to U. The morphism (U' \to A) \to (U \to A) of \mathcal{C}_{X/Y} is strongly cartesian over X_{Zar}.
Ad (2). Given an object U \to A/V and V' \to V we can set U' = U \cap f^{-1}(V') and A' = V' \times _ V A to obtain a strongly cartesian morphism (U' \to A') \to (U \to A) over V' \to V.
Ad (3). Denote (X/Y)_{Zar} the category in (3). Given U \to A/V and a morphism (U', V') \to (U, V) in (X/Y)_{Zar} we can consider A' = V' \times _ V A. Then the morphism (U' \to A'/V') \to (U \to A/V) is strongly cartesian in \mathcal{C}_{X/Y} over (X/Y)_{Zar}.
We obtain a topology \tau _ X on \mathcal{C}_{X/Y} by using the topology inherited from X_{Zar} (see Stacks, Section 8.10). If not otherwise stated this is the topology on \mathcal{C}_{X/Y} we will consider. To be precise, a family of morphisms \{ (U_ i \to A_ i) \to (U \to A)\} is a covering of \mathcal{C}_{X/Y} if and only if
U = \bigcup U_ i, and
A_ i = A for all i.
We obtain the same collection of sheaves if we allow A_ i \cong A in (2). The functor u defines a morphism of topoi \pi : \mathop{\mathit{Sh}}\nolimits (\mathcal{C}_{X/Y}) \to \mathop{\mathit{Sh}}\nolimits (X_{Zar}).
The site \mathcal{C}_{X/Y} comes with several sheaves of rings.
The sheaf \mathcal{O} given by the rule (U \to A) \mapsto \mathcal{O}(A).
The sheaf \underline{\mathcal{O}}_ X = \pi ^{-1}\mathcal{O}_ X given by the rule (U \to A) \mapsto \mathcal{O}(U).
The sheaf \underline{\mathcal{O}}_ Y given by the rule (U \to A/V) \mapsto \mathcal{O}(V).
We obtain morphisms of ringed topoi
\begin{equation} \label{obsolete-equation-pi-schemes} \vcenter { \xymatrix{ (\mathop{\mathit{Sh}}\nolimits (\mathcal{C}_{X/Y}), \underline{\mathcal{O}}_ X) \ar[r]_ i \ar[d]_\pi & (\mathop{\mathit{Sh}}\nolimits (\mathcal{C}_{X/Y}), \mathcal{O}) \\ (\mathop{\mathit{Sh}}\nolimits (X_{Zar}), \mathcal{O}_ X) } } \end{equation}
The morphism i is the identity on underlying topoi and i^\sharp : \mathcal{O} \to \underline{\mathcal{O}}_ X is the obvious map. The map \pi is a special case of Cohomology on Sites, Situation 21.38.1. An important role will be played in the following by the derived functors Li^* : D(\mathcal{O}) \longrightarrow D(\underline{\mathcal{O}}_ X) left adjoint to Ri_* = i_* : D(\underline{\mathcal{O}}_ X) \to D(\mathcal{O}) and L\pi _! : D(\underline{\mathcal{O}}_ X) \longrightarrow D(\mathcal{O}_ X) left adjoint to \pi ^* = \pi ^{-1} : D(\mathcal{O}_ X) \to D(\underline{\mathcal{O}}_ X).
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