Example 61.2.2. Let T be a profinite space. Let t \in T be a point and assume that T \setminus \{ t\} is not quasi-compact. Let X = T \times \{ 0, 1\} . Consider the topology on X with a subbase given by the sets U \times \{ 0, 1\} for U \subset T open, X \setminus \{ (t, 0)\} , and U \times \{ 1\} for U \subset T open with t \not\in U. The set of closed points of X is X_0 = T \times \{ 0\} and (t, 1) is in the closure of X_0. Moreover, X_0 \to \pi _0(X) is a bijection. This example shows that conditions (1) and (2) of Lemma 61.2.1 do no imply the set of closed points is closed.
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