Lemma 61.25.4. Let i : Z \to X be an integral universally injective and surjective morphism of schemes. Then i_{{pro\text{-}\acute{e}tale}, *} and i_{pro\text{-}\acute{e}tale}^{-1} are quasi-inverse equivalences of categories of pro-étale topoi.
Proof. There is an immediate reduction to the case that X is affine. Then Z is affine too. Set A = \mathcal{O}(X) and B = \mathcal{O}(Z). Then the categories of étale algebras over A and B are equivalent, see Étale Cohomology, Theorem 59.45.2 and Remark 59.45.3. Thus the categories of ind-étale algebras over A and B are equivalent. In other words the categories X_{app} and Z_{app} of Lemma 61.12.21 are equivalent. We omit the verification that this equivalence sends coverings to coverings and vice versa. Thus the result as Lemma 61.12.21 tells us the pro-étale topos is the topos of sheaves on X_{app}. \square
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