Example 9.3.1 (Rational numbers). The rational numbers form a field. It is called the field of rational numbers and denoted \mathbf{Q}.
9.3 Examples of fields
To get started, let us begin by providing several examples of fields. The reader should recall that if R is a ring and I \subset R an ideal, then R/I is a field precisely when I is a maximal ideal.
Example 9.3.2 (Prime fields). If p is a prime number, then \mathbf{Z}/(p) is a field, denoted \mathbf{F}_ p. Indeed, (p) is a maximal ideal in \mathbf{Z}. Thus, fields may be finite: \mathbf{F}_ p contains p elements.
Example 9.3.3. In a principal ideal domain, an ideal generated by an irreducible element is maximal. Now, if k is a field, then the polynomial ring k[x] is a principal ideal domain. It follows that if P \in k[x] is an irreducible polynomial (that is, a nonconstant polynomial that does not admit a factorization into terms of smaller degrees), then k[x]/(P) is a field. It contains a copy of k in a natural way. This is a very general way of constructing fields. For instance, the complex numbers \mathbf{C} can be constructed as \mathbf{R}[x]/(x^2 + 1).
Example 9.3.4 (Quotient fields). Recall that, given a domain A, there is an imbedding A \to F into a field F constructed from A in exactly the same manner that \mathbf{Q} is constructed from \mathbf{Z}. Formally the elements of F are (equivalence classes of) fractions a/b, a, b \in A, b \not= 0. As usual a/b = a'/b' if and only if ab' = ba'. The field F is called the quotient field, or field of fractions, or fraction field of A. The quotient field has the following universal property: given an injective ring map \varphi : A \to K to a field K, there is a unique map \psi : F \to K making
commute. Indeed, it is clear how to define such a map: we set \psi (a/b) = \varphi (a)\varphi (b)^{-1} where injectivity of \varphi assures that \varphi (b) \not= 0 if b \not= 0.
Example 9.3.5 (Field of rational functions). If k is a field, then we can consider the field k(x) of rational functions over k. This is the quotient field of the polynomial ring k[x]. In other words, it is the set of quotients F/G for F, G \in k[x], G \not= 0 with the obvious equivalence relation.
Example 9.3.6. Let X be a Riemann surface. Let \mathbf{C}(X) denote the set of meromorphic functions on X. Then \mathbf{C}(X) is a ring under multiplication and addition of functions. It turns out that in fact \mathbf{C}(X) is a field. Namely, if a nonzero function f(z) is meromorphic, so is 1/f(z). For example, let S^2 be the Riemann sphere; then we know from complex analysis that the ring of meromorphic functions \mathbf{C}(S^2) is the field of rational functions \mathbf{C}(z).
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