Lemma 23.7.1. Let R be a ring. Let (A, \text{d}, \gamma ) be as in Definition 23.6.5. Let R' \to R be a surjection of rings whose kernel has square zero and is generated by one element f. If A is a graded divided power polynomial algebra over R with finitely many variables in each degree, then we obtain a derivation \theta : A/IA \to A/IA where I is the annihilator of f in R.
23.7 Application to complete intersections
Let R be a ring. Let (A, \text{d}, \gamma ) be as in Definition 23.6.5. A derivation of degree 2 is an R-linear map \theta : A \to A with the following properties
\theta (A_ d) \subset A_{d - 2},
\theta (xy) = \theta (x)y + x\theta (y),
\theta commutes with \text{d},
\theta (\gamma _ n(x)) = \theta (x) \gamma _{n - 1}(x) for all x \in A_{2d} all d.
In the following lemma we construct a derivation.
Proof. Since A is a divided power polynomial algebra, we can find a divided power polynomial algebra A' over R' such that A = A' \otimes _{R'} R. Moreover, we can lift \text{d} to an R-linear operator \text{d} on A' such that
\text{d}(xy) = \text{d}(x)y + (-1)^{\deg (x)}x \text{d}(y) for x, y \in A' homogeneous, and
\text{d}(\gamma _ n(x)) = \text{d}(x) \gamma _{n - 1}(x) for x \in A'_{even, +}.
We omit the details (hint: proceed one variable at the time). However, it may not be the case that \text{d}^2 is zero on A'. It is clear that \text{d}^2 maps A' into fA' \cong A/IA. Hence \text{d}^2 annihilates fA' and factors as a map A \to A/IA. Since \text{d}^2 is R-linear we obtain our map \theta : A/IA \to A/IA. The verification of the properties of a derivation is immediate. \square
Lemma 23.7.2. Assumption and notation as in Lemma 23.7.1. Suppose S = H_0(A) is isomorphic to R[x_1, \ldots , x_ n]/(f_1, \ldots , f_ m) for some n, m, and f_ j \in R[x_1, \ldots , x_ n]. Moreover, suppose given a relation
with r_ j \in R[x_1, \ldots , x_ n]. Choose r'_ j, f'_ j \in R'[x_1, \ldots , x_ n] lifting r_ j, f_ j. Write \sum r'_ j f'_ j = gf for some g \in R/I[x_1, \ldots , x_ n]. If H_1(A) = 0 and all the coefficients of each r_ j are in I, then there exists an element \xi \in H_2(A/IA) such that \theta (\xi ) = g in S/IS.
Proof. Let A(0) \subset A(1) \subset A(2) \subset \ldots be the filtration of A such that A(m) is gotten from A(m - 1) by adjoining divided power variables of degree m. Then A(0) is a polynomial algebra over R equipped with an R-algebra surjection A(0) \to S. Thus we can choose a map
lifting the augmentations to S. Next, A(1) = A(0)\langle T_1, \ldots , T_ t \rangle for some divided power variables T_ i of degree 1. Since H_0(A) = S we can pick \xi _ j \in \sum A(0)T_ i with \text{d}(\xi _ j) = \varphi (f_ j). Then
Since H_1(A) = 0 we can pick \xi \in A_2 with \text{d}(\xi ) = \sum \varphi (r_ j) \xi _ j. If the coefficients of r_ j are in I, then the same is true for \varphi (r_ j). In this case \text{d}(\xi ) dies in A_1/IA_1 and hence \xi defines a class in H_2(A/IA).
The construction of \theta in the proof of Lemma 23.7.1 proceeds by successively lifting A(i) to A'(i) and lifting the differential \text{d}. We lift \varphi to \varphi ' : R'[x_1, \ldots , x_ n] \to A'(0). Next, we have A'(1) = A'(0)\langle T_1, \ldots , T_ t\rangle . Moreover, we can lift \xi _ j to \xi '_ j \in \sum A'(0)T_ i. Then \text{d}(\xi '_ j) = \varphi '(f'_ j) + f a_ j for some a_ j \in A'(0). Consider a lift \xi ' \in A'_2 of \xi . Then we know that
for some b_ i \in A(0). Applying \text{d} again we find
The first term gives us what we want. The second term is zero because the coefficients of r_ j are in I and hence are annihilated by f. The third term maps to zero in H_0 because \text{d}(T_ i) maps to zero. \square
The method of proof of the following lemma is apparently due to Gulliksen.
Lemma 23.7.3. Let R' \to R be a surjection of Noetherian rings whose kernel has square zero and is generated by one element f. Let S = R[x_1, \ldots , x_ n]/(f_1, \ldots , f_ m). Let \sum r_ j f_ j = 0 be a relation in R[x_1, \ldots , x_ n]. Assume that
each r_ j has coefficients in the annihilator I of f in R,
for some lifts r'_ j, f'_ j \in R'[x_1, \ldots , x_ n] we have \sum r'_ j f'_ j = gf where g is not nilpotent in S/IS.
Then S does not have finite tor dimension over R (i.e., S is not a perfect R-algebra).
Proof. Choose a Tate resolution R \to A \to S as in Lemma 23.6.9. Let \xi \in H_2(A/IA) and \theta : A/IA \to A/IA be the element and derivation found in Lemmas 23.7.1 and 23.7.2. Observe that
in H_0(A/IA) = S/IS. Hence if g is not nilpotent in S/IS, then \xi ^ n is nonzero in H_{2n}(A/IA) for all n > 0. Since H_{2n}(A/IA) = \text{Tor}^ R_{2n}(S, R/I) we conclude. \square
The following result can be found in [Rodicio].
Lemma 23.7.4. Let (A, \mathfrak m) be a Noetherian local ring. Let I \subset J \subset A be proper ideals. If A/J has finite tor dimension over A/I, then I/\mathfrak m I \to J/\mathfrak m J is injective.
Proof. Let f \in I be an element mapping to a nonzero element of I/\mathfrak m I which is mapped to zero in J/\mathfrak mJ. We can choose an ideal I' with \mathfrak mI \subset I' \subset I such that I/I' is generated by the image of f. Set R = A/I and R' = A/I'. Let J = (a_1, \ldots , a_ m) for some a_ j \in A. Then f = \sum b_ j a_ j for some b_ j \in \mathfrak m. Let r_ j, f_ j \in R resp. r'_ j, f'_ j \in R' be the image of b_ j, a_ j. Then we see we are in the situation of Lemma 23.7.3 (with the ideal I of that lemma equal to \mathfrak m_ R) and the lemma is proved. \square
Lemma 23.7.5. Let (A, \mathfrak m) be a Noetherian local ring. Let I \subset J \subset A be proper ideals. Assume
A/J has finite tor dimension over A/I, and
J is generated by a regular sequence.
Then I is generated by a regular sequence and J/I is generated by a regular sequence.
Proof. By Lemma 23.7.4 we see that I/\mathfrak m I \to J/\mathfrak m J is injective. Thus we can find s \leq r and a minimal system of generators f_1, \ldots , f_ r of J such that f_1, \ldots , f_ s are in I and form a minimal system of generators of I. The lemma follows as any minimal system of generators of J is a regular sequence by More on Algebra, Lemmas 15.30.15 and 15.30.7. \square
Lemma 23.7.6. Let R \to S be a local ring map of Noetherian local rings. Let I \subset R and J \subset S be ideals with IS \subset J. If R \to S is flat and S/\mathfrak m_ RS is regular, then the following are equivalent
J is generated by a regular sequence and S/J has finite tor dimension as a module over R/I,
J is generated by a regular sequence and \text{Tor}^{R/I}_ p(S/J, R/\mathfrak m_ R) is nonzero for only finitely many p,
I is generated by a regular sequence and J/IS is generated by a regular sequence in S/IS.
Proof. If (3) holds, then J is generated by a regular sequence, see for example More on Algebra, Lemmas 15.30.13 and 15.30.7. Moreover, if (3) holds, then S/J = (S/I)/(J/I) has finite projective dimension over S/IS because the Koszul complex will be a finite free resolution of S/J over S/IS. Since R/I \to S/IS is flat, it then follows that S/J has finite tor dimension over R/I by More on Algebra, Lemma 15.66.11. Thus (3) implies (1).
The implication (1) \Rightarrow (2) is trivial. Assume (2). By More on Algebra, Lemma 15.77.6 we find that S/J has finite tor dimension over S/IS. Thus we can apply Lemma 23.7.5 to conclude that IS and J/IS are generated by regular sequences. Let f_1, \ldots , f_ r \in I be a minimal system of generators of I. Since R \to S is flat, we see that f_1, \ldots , f_ r form a minimal system of generators for IS in S. Thus f_1, \ldots , f_ r \in R is a sequence of elements whose images in S form a regular sequence by More on Algebra, Lemmas 15.30.15 and 15.30.7. Thus f_1, \ldots , f_ r is a regular sequence in R by Algebra, Lemma 10.68.5. \square
Comments (3)
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