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Slight generalization of the main theorem of [Beauville-Laszlo].

Theorem 15.90.16. Let (R \to R',f) be a glueing pair. The functor \text{Can} : \text{Mod}_ R \longrightarrow \text{Glue}(R \to R', f) determines an equivalence of the category of R-modules glueable for (R \to R', f) and the category \text{Glue}(R \to R', f) of glueing data.

Proof. Let (M', M_1, \alpha _1) be a glueing datum. We will show that M = H^0((M', M_1, \alpha _1)) is a glueable for (R \to R', f) and that (M', M_1, \alpha _1) \cong \text{Can}(M).

We first check that the map \text{d} : M' \oplus M_1 \to (M')_ f used in the definition of the functor H^0 is surjective. Observe that (x, y) \in M' \oplus M_1 maps to \text{d}(x, y) = x/1 - \alpha _1^{-1}(y \otimes 1) in (M')_ f. If z \in (M')_ f, then we can write \alpha _1(z) = \sum y_ i \otimes g_ i with g_ i \in R' and y_ i \in M_1. Write \alpha _1^{-1}(y_ i \otimes 1) = y_ i'/f^ n for some y'_ i \in M' and n \geq 0 (we can pick the same n for all i). Write g_ i = a_ i + f^ n b_ i with a_ i \in R and b_ i \in R'. Then with y = \sum a_ i y_ i \in M_1 and x = \sum b_ i y'_ i \in M' we have \text{d}(x, -y) = z as desired.

Since M = H^0((M', M_1, \alpha _1)) = \mathop{\mathrm{Ker}}(\text{d}) we obtain an exact sequence of R-modules
\begin{equation} \label{more-algebra-equation-define-M} 0 \to M \to M' \oplus M_1 \to (M')_ f \to 0. \end{equation}

We will prove that the maps M \to M' and M \to M_1 induce isomorphisms M \otimes _ R R' \to M' and M \otimes _ R R_ f \to M_1. This will imply that M is glueable for (R \to R', f) and \text{Can}(M) \cong (M', M_1, \alpha _1) as desired.

Since f is a nonzerodivisor on M_1, we have M[f^\infty ] \cong M'[f^\infty ]. This yields an exact sequence
\begin{equation} \label{more-algebra-equation-exact-mod-torsion} 0 \to M/M[f^\infty ] \to M_1 \to (M')_ f/M' \to 0. \end{equation}

Since R \to R_ f is flat, we may tensor this exact sequence with R_ f to deduce that M \otimes _ R R_ f = (M/M[f^\infty ]) \otimes _ R R_ f \to M_1 is an isomorphism.

By Lemma 15.90.15 we have \text{Tor}_1^ R(R', \mathop{\mathrm{Coker}}(M' \to (M')_ f)) = 0. The sequence ( thus remains exact upon tensoring over R with R'. Using \alpha _1 and Lemma 15.88.8 the resulting exact sequence can be written as
\begin{equation} \label{more-algebra-equation-mod-torsion-sequence} 0 \to (M/M[f^\infty ]) \otimes _ R R' \to (M')_ f \to (M')_ f/M' \to 0 \end{equation}

This yields an isomorphism (M/M[f^\infty ]) \otimes _ R R' \cong M'/M'[f^\infty ]. This implies that in the diagram

\xymatrix{ & M[f^\infty ] \otimes _ R R' \ar[r] \ar[d] & M \otimes _ R R' \ar[r] \ar[d] & (M/M[f^\infty ]) \otimes _ R R' \ar[r] \ar[d] & 0 \\ 0 \ar[r] & M'[f^\infty ] \ar[r] & M' \ar[r] & M'/M'[f^\infty ] \ar[r] & 0, }

the third vertical arrow is an isomorphism. Since the rows are exact and the first vertical arrow is an isomorphism by Lemma 15.88.8 and M[f^\infty ] = M'[f^\infty ], the five lemma implies that M \otimes _ R R' \to M' is an isomorphism.

The above shows that \text{Can} is essentially surjective and that the functor H^0 maps into the category of glueable modules. Due to the exactness of ( for glueable modules we have H^0 \circ \text{Can} = \text{id} on the category of glueable modules. This implies \text{Can} is fully faithful by Lemma 15.89.11 combined with Categories, Lemma 4.24.4. This finishes the proof. \square

Comments (5)

Comment #5480 by Takagi Benseki(高城 辨積) on

In the second paragraph of the proof, should be ?

Comment #8685 by Anne on

It doesn’t seem to be clear that suffices to prove that is fully faithful. I thought about using Tag 05ER? But in general, \varphi is not flat.

Comment #8704 by Anne on

Okay, so it is indeed not clear because "fully faithful" has not been shown explicitly. Instead, the proof shows and according to Definition 4.2.17. The latter equality results from the proof of essential surjectivity.

Comment #9367 by on

Thanks for pointing this out! The functors Can and are adjoint which is why it works; I guess this was at the back of my mind when I wrote this. See changes here.

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