Lemma 37.53.7. Let X \to S be a flat proper morphism of finite presentation. Let n_{X/S} be the function on S counting the numbers of geometric connected components of fibres of f introduced in Lemma 37.28.3. Then n_{X/S} is lower semi-continuous.
Proof. Let s \in S. Set n = n_{X/S}(s). Note that n < \infty as the geometric fibre of X \to S at s is a proper scheme over a field, hence Noetherian, hence has a finite number of connected components. We have to find an open neighbourhood V of s such that n_{X/S}|_ V \geq n. Let X \to S' \to S be the Stein factorization as in Theorem 37.53.5. By Lemma 37.53.2 there are finitely many points s'_1, \ldots , s'_ m \in S' lying over s and the extensions \kappa (s'_ i)/\kappa (s) are finite. Then Lemma 37.42.1 tells us that after replacing S by an étale neighbourhood of s we may assume S' = V_1 \amalg \ldots \amalg V_ m as a scheme with s'_ i \in V_ i and \kappa (s'_ i)/\kappa (s) purely inseparable. Then the schemes X_{s_ i'} are geometrically connected over \kappa (s), hence m = n. The schemes X_ i = (f')^{-1}(V_ i), i = 1, \ldots , n are flat and of finite presentation over S. Hence the image of X_ i \to S is open (Morphisms, Lemma 29.25.10). Thus in a neighbourhood of s we see that n_{X/S} is at least n. \square
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