Lemma 48.21.6. In Situation 48.16.1 let f : X \to Y be a morphism of \textit{FTS}_ S. If f is flat and quasi-finite, then
f^!\mathcal{O}_ Y = \omega _{X/Y}[0]
for some coherent \mathcal{O}_ X-module \omega _{X/Y} flat over Y.
Lemma 48.21.6. In Situation 48.16.1 let f : X \to Y be a morphism of \textit{FTS}_ S. If f is flat and quasi-finite, then
for some coherent \mathcal{O}_ X-module \omega _{X/Y} flat over Y.
Proof. Consequence of Lemma 48.21.4 and the fact that the cohomology sheaves of f^!\mathcal{O}_ Y are coherent by Lemma 48.17.6. \square
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