Lemma 75.7.4. Let S be a scheme. Consider a cartesian diagram of algebraic spaces over S
with f locally of finite type. If T is a closed subset of |X| proper over Y, then |g'|^{-1}(T) is a closed subset of |X'| proper over Y'.
Lemma 75.7.4. Let S be a scheme. Consider a cartesian diagram of algebraic spaces over S
with f locally of finite type. If T is a closed subset of |X| proper over Y, then |g'|^{-1}(T) is a closed subset of |X'| proper over Y'.
Proof. Observe that the statement makes sense as f' is locally of finite type by Morphisms of Spaces, Lemma 67.23.3. Let Z \subset X be the reduced induced closed subspace structure on T. Denote Z' = (g')^{-1}(Z) the scheme theoretic inverse image. Then Z' = X' \times _ X Z = (Y' \times _ Y X) \times _ X Z = Y' \times _ Y Z is proper over Y' as a base change of Z over Y (Morphisms of Spaces, Lemma 67.40.3). On the other hand, we have T' = |Z'|. Hence the lemma holds. \square
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