Lemma 99.14.9. In Situation 99.5.1. Let
be a pushout in the category of schemes where T \to T' is a thickening and T \to S is affine, see More on Morphisms, Lemma 37.14.3. Then the functor on fibre categories
is an equivalence.
Lemma 99.14.9. In Situation 99.5.1. Let
be a pushout in the category of schemes where T \to T' is a thickening and T \to S is affine, see More on Morphisms, Lemma 37.14.3. Then the functor on fibre categories
is an equivalence.
Proof. By More on Morphisms, Lemma 37.14.6 there is an equivalence
where \textit{flat-lfp}_ S signifies the category of schemes flat and locally of finite presentation over S. Let X'/S' on the left hand side correspond to the triple (X/S, Y'/T', \varphi ) on the right hand side. Set Y = T \times _{T'} Y' which is isomorphic with T \times _ S X via \varphi . Then More on Morphisms, Lemma 37.14.5 shows that we have an equivalence
where \textit{QCoh-flat}_{X/S} signifies the category of quasi-coherent \mathcal{O}_ X-modules flat over S. Since X \to S, Y \to T, X' \to S', Y' \to T' are flat, this will in particular apply to invertible modules to give an equivalence of categories
where \textit{Pic}(X) signifies the category of invertible \mathcal{O}_ X-modules. There is a small point here: one has to show that if an object \mathcal{F}' of \textit{QCoh-flat}_{X'/S'} pulls back to invertible modules on X and Y', then \mathcal{F}' is an invertible \mathcal{O}_{X'}-module. It follows from the cited lemma that \mathcal{F}' is an \mathcal{O}_{X'}-module of finite presentation. By More on Morphisms, Lemma 37.16.7 it suffices to check the restriction of \mathcal{F}' to fibres of X' \to S' is invertible. But the fibres of X' \to S' are the same as the fibres of X \to S and hence these restrictions are invertible.
Having said the above we obtain an equivalence of categories if we drop the assumption (for the category of objects over S) that X \to S be proper and the assumption that \mathcal{L} be ample. Now it is clear that if X' \to S' is proper, then X \to S and Y' \to T' are proper (Morphisms, Lemma 29.41.5). Conversely, if X \to S and Y' \to T' are proper, then X' \to S' is proper by More on Morphisms, Lemma 37.3.3. Similarly, if \mathcal{L}' is ample on X'/S', then \mathcal{L}'|_ X is ample on X/S and \mathcal{L}'|_{Y'} is ample on Y'/T' (Morphisms, Lemma 29.37.9). Finally, if \mathcal{L}'|_ X is ample on X/S and \mathcal{L}'|_{Y'} is ample on Y'/T', then \mathcal{L}' is ample on X'/S' by More on Morphisms, Lemma 37.3.2. \square
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