Lemma 108.5.5. Let B be an algebraic space. Let \pi : X \to Y be an affine open immersion of algebraic spaces which are separated and of finite presentation over B. Let \mathcal{F} be a quasi-coherent \mathcal{O}_ X-module. Then the morphism \mathrm{Quot}_{\mathcal{F}/X/B} \to \mathrm{Quot}_{\pi _*\mathcal{F}/Y/B} of Lemma 108.5.4 is an open immersion.
Proof. Omitted. Hint: If (\pi _*\mathcal{F})_ T \to \mathcal{Q} is an element of \mathrm{Quot}_{\pi _*\mathcal{F}/Y/B}(T) and for t \in T we have \text{Supp}(\mathcal{Q}_ t) \subset |X_ t|, then the same is true for t' \in T in a neighbourhood of t. \square
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