Lemma 58.18.1. In More on Morphisms, Situation 37.67.1, for example if Z \to Y and Z \to X are closed immersions of schemes, there is an equivalence of categories
58.18 Pushouts and fundamental groups
Here is the main result.
Proof. The pushout exists by More on Morphisms, Proposition 37.67.3. The functor is given by sending a scheme U finite étale over the pushout to the base changes Y' = U \times _{Y \amalg _ Z X} Y and X' = U \times _{Y \amalg _ Z X} X and the natural isomorphism Y' \times _ Y Z \to X' \times _ X Z over Z. To prove this functor is an equivalence we use More on Morphisms, Lemma 37.67.7 to construct a quasi-inverse functor. The only thing left to prove is to show that given a morphism U \to Y \amalg _ Z X which is separated, quasi-finite and étale such that X' \to X and Y' \to Y are finite, then U \to Y \amalg _ Z X is finite. This can either be deduced from the corresponding algebra fact (More on Algebra, Lemma 15.6.7) or it can be seen because
is surjective and X' and Y' are proper over Y \amalg _ Z X (this uses the description of the pushout in More on Morphisms, Proposition 37.67.3) and then we can apply Morphisms, Lemma 29.41.10 to conclude that U is proper over Y \amalg _ Z X. Since a quasi-finite and proper morphism is finite (More on Morphisms, Lemma 37.44.1) we win. \square
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