Lemma 42.48.4. In Lemma 42.48.1 we have C \circ (W_\infty \to X)_* \circ i_\infty ^* = i_\infty ^*.
Proof. Let \beta \in \mathop{\mathrm{CH}}\nolimits _{k + 1}(W). Denote i_0 : X = X \times \{ 0\} \to W the closed immersion of the fibre over 0 in \mathbf{P}^1. Then (W_\infty \to X)_* i_\infty ^* \beta = i_0^*\beta in \mathop{\mathrm{CH}}\nolimits _ k(X) because i_{\infty , *}i_\infty ^*\beta and i_{0, *}i_0^*\beta represent the same class on W (for example by Lemma 42.29.4) and hence pushforward to the same class on X. The restriction of \beta to b^{-1}(\mathbf{A}^1_ X) restricts to the flat pullback of i_0^*\beta = (W_\infty \to X)_* i_\infty ^* \beta because we can check this after pullback by i_0, see Lemmas 42.32.2 and 42.32.4. Hence we may use \beta when computing the image of (W_\infty \to X)_*i_\infty ^*\beta under C and we get the desired result. \square
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